How to Hide Safes
- 1). Hide your safe inside a large, used stereo speaker. Even though you may only use one, try finding two that match so they appear more legitimate. Search for oversized versions at a thrift store and arrange them next to your television so they appear to be in use.
- 2). Peel back a small part of your sofa to lodge a small safe inside. Choose a sofa unattractive to thieves, such as a heavily used one in a play room or basement. Use small tacks to return the back to place.
- 3). Carve a hole into a wall to hide a safe behind a picture. Clear out a space between two studs, add a shelf between and cover your safe with an inexpensive framed poster or other picture.
- 4). Hollow out a used air purifier or humidifier and put the safe inside. Place it in a room in a way so it looks like you actually use it.
- 5). Purchase camouflaged safes that look like soda cans or books. Surveillance for Security recommends choosing a safe that looks and weighs as much like the original item as possible.