The Parable of the Three Servants
Copyright (c) 2008 The Christian Success Institute
In the New Testament we are given several parables that Jesus used to reveal truths about The Kingdom of Heaven. The dictionary definition of the word parable is: a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
Jesus used these parables (analogies) to reveal some profound truths to us, if we are diligent enough to 'study' and not simply read them for face value. The simplicity of these parables is profound in itself.
Jesus knew that there would be those who would understand the simple meaning of His parable. He was also aware that there would be those, diligent in their study of His Word, who could take the deeper meaning and apply it.
Let's take a deep look at this parable. Let's understanding that 'talent', according to the dictionary means:
1. a special natural ability or aptitude: a talent for drawing.
2. a capacity for achievement or success; ability: young men of talent.
3. a power of mind or body considered as given to a person for use and improvement: so called from the parable in Matt. 25:14'30.
4. any of various ancient units of weight, as a unit of Palestine and Syria equal to 3000 shekels, or a unit of Greece equal to 6000 drachmas.
5. any of various ancient Hebrew or Attic monetary units equal in value to that of a talent weight of gold, silver, or other metal.
This can and should be applied to Christian daily life.
Mathew 25:14-28 For the sake of time and space, please read this passage in your Bible for reference.
The first of these verses (14) is a description of God's attitude toward us. He has entrusted His possessions with us and has given us the 'manual' which instructs us 'how to' accomplish that which He has entrusted us.
In verse (15) He gave an introduction to the way in which He sees each of His servants. He gave to each according to his abilities. This shows that each of us has abilities and God discerns our abilities.
In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul, writing to Timothy, illustrates to us the measure by which our abilities are discerned by God. " 15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
In some translations it says be diligent instead of study. Both are correct and speak of the same thing. We are to study or be diligent to rightly divide the Word of Truth. The more we study God's Wisdom, the better we understand what He wants from each of us. The more we understand, the better we can accomplish that which He has given us to do.
In the dispensing of the talents, we understand a little more. God gave the first servant 5 talent, the second servant received 2 talents. What could have been the discerning factor in the number of talents? The first servant had demonstrated his abilities to his master by being diligent in everything that he set him to do. He knew his master and was more adept at performing the duties that were assigned him. This comes from diligently learning what would please his master. He had reached a different level of faith. (this will be another discussion of this parable)
The second servant was entrusted with less, only 2 talents. What can we infer from this? The second servant was to some degree diligent, but to a lesser degree that the first servant. He may not have been as observant and may not have done all of his tasks to the best of his abilities. He was, although, at a level of faith beyond the third servant.
The third servant, who I believe represents the majority of Christians and those who have not made a total commitment to faith, was given the minimum of talents. He may not have been as diligent in his efforts.
He may have been the type of person who only does the minimum, just to get by. It is obvious that even though he had a superficial knowledge of his master, he was not learned in the higher aspect of his master's character. He may have only known 'about' his master and hsd little knowledge of His true nature.
It is unfortunate, but very true, that the majority of Christians have little knowledge of their master. They have not put forth the effort to study and get a deeper knowledge of their Master's character nor of His will. Of course, their belief has brought them to the Master's house but their lack of understanding cripples their ability to perform as their Master wants. Most Christians are content to settle for the table scraps. They are content with their own salvation and prefer to ignore the deeper understanding of their Masters Will.
This is really a two part analogy. One part deals with our willingness to do what the Master wants us to do with the talents with which He has blessed us. This involves our depth of study of His Holy Wisdom - our diligent study of His Holy Word. The second part of this analogy deals with the level of faith that each of us attains through our study. All Christians know 'about' God. A small few know Him personally.
The only way for a Christian to 'know' God is to diligently study His Holy Word. The more that we study, the deeper that we delve into His Holy Wisdom, the greater the revelation of who He is, given us by the guidance of His Holy Spirit. The more we study, the better we know Him and the greater our ability to 'rightly divide' His Word of Truth. This is expressed beautifully in the Amplified Bible - "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.
Through this we see that the first servant had 'proven' himself in his master's eyes. He was a diligent student, had studied the nature and character of his master and, through a higher level of faith, used everything as wisely as he could to increase that with which he had been entrusted, to the best of his abilities.
Though the second servant accomplished the same result as the first, he doubled his master's money, he had only been blessed with a small portion. Why do you think this happened? He had not 'proven' himself to be able to handle more. He was given according to his abilities. He was on the right track but had not reached a higher level of faith.
Would you like to be entrusted with more of God's possessions? Become a diligent student of His Holy Wisdom. Study diligently to show yourself worthy of trust and increase your ability to 'rightly divide' [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] God's Word of Truth.
In the New Testament we are given several parables that Jesus used to reveal truths about The Kingdom of Heaven. The dictionary definition of the word parable is: a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
Jesus used these parables (analogies) to reveal some profound truths to us, if we are diligent enough to 'study' and not simply read them for face value. The simplicity of these parables is profound in itself.
Jesus knew that there would be those who would understand the simple meaning of His parable. He was also aware that there would be those, diligent in their study of His Word, who could take the deeper meaning and apply it.
Let's take a deep look at this parable. Let's understanding that 'talent', according to the dictionary means:
1. a special natural ability or aptitude: a talent for drawing.
2. a capacity for achievement or success; ability: young men of talent.
3. a power of mind or body considered as given to a person for use and improvement: so called from the parable in Matt. 25:14'30.
4. any of various ancient units of weight, as a unit of Palestine and Syria equal to 3000 shekels, or a unit of Greece equal to 6000 drachmas.
5. any of various ancient Hebrew or Attic monetary units equal in value to that of a talent weight of gold, silver, or other metal.
This can and should be applied to Christian daily life.
Mathew 25:14-28 For the sake of time and space, please read this passage in your Bible for reference.
The first of these verses (14) is a description of God's attitude toward us. He has entrusted His possessions with us and has given us the 'manual' which instructs us 'how to' accomplish that which He has entrusted us.
In verse (15) He gave an introduction to the way in which He sees each of His servants. He gave to each according to his abilities. This shows that each of us has abilities and God discerns our abilities.
In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul, writing to Timothy, illustrates to us the measure by which our abilities are discerned by God. " 15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
In some translations it says be diligent instead of study. Both are correct and speak of the same thing. We are to study or be diligent to rightly divide the Word of Truth. The more we study God's Wisdom, the better we understand what He wants from each of us. The more we understand, the better we can accomplish that which He has given us to do.
In the dispensing of the talents, we understand a little more. God gave the first servant 5 talent, the second servant received 2 talents. What could have been the discerning factor in the number of talents? The first servant had demonstrated his abilities to his master by being diligent in everything that he set him to do. He knew his master and was more adept at performing the duties that were assigned him. This comes from diligently learning what would please his master. He had reached a different level of faith. (this will be another discussion of this parable)
The second servant was entrusted with less, only 2 talents. What can we infer from this? The second servant was to some degree diligent, but to a lesser degree that the first servant. He may not have been as observant and may not have done all of his tasks to the best of his abilities. He was, although, at a level of faith beyond the third servant.
The third servant, who I believe represents the majority of Christians and those who have not made a total commitment to faith, was given the minimum of talents. He may not have been as diligent in his efforts.
He may have been the type of person who only does the minimum, just to get by. It is obvious that even though he had a superficial knowledge of his master, he was not learned in the higher aspect of his master's character. He may have only known 'about' his master and hsd little knowledge of His true nature.
It is unfortunate, but very true, that the majority of Christians have little knowledge of their master. They have not put forth the effort to study and get a deeper knowledge of their Master's character nor of His will. Of course, their belief has brought them to the Master's house but their lack of understanding cripples their ability to perform as their Master wants. Most Christians are content to settle for the table scraps. They are content with their own salvation and prefer to ignore the deeper understanding of their Masters Will.
This is really a two part analogy. One part deals with our willingness to do what the Master wants us to do with the talents with which He has blessed us. This involves our depth of study of His Holy Wisdom - our diligent study of His Holy Word. The second part of this analogy deals with the level of faith that each of us attains through our study. All Christians know 'about' God. A small few know Him personally.
The only way for a Christian to 'know' God is to diligently study His Holy Word. The more that we study, the deeper that we delve into His Holy Wisdom, the greater the revelation of who He is, given us by the guidance of His Holy Spirit. The more we study, the better we know Him and the greater our ability to 'rightly divide' His Word of Truth. This is expressed beautifully in the Amplified Bible - "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.
Through this we see that the first servant had 'proven' himself in his master's eyes. He was a diligent student, had studied the nature and character of his master and, through a higher level of faith, used everything as wisely as he could to increase that with which he had been entrusted, to the best of his abilities.
Though the second servant accomplished the same result as the first, he doubled his master's money, he had only been blessed with a small portion. Why do you think this happened? He had not 'proven' himself to be able to handle more. He was given according to his abilities. He was on the right track but had not reached a higher level of faith.
Would you like to be entrusted with more of God's possessions? Become a diligent student of His Holy Wisdom. Study diligently to show yourself worthy of trust and increase your ability to 'rightly divide' [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] God's Word of Truth.