How to Draw Cute Animated Animals
- 1). Draw an egg-shaped oval in the center of your paper. Size the oval according to how large or small you want your final art to be, but keep in mind this article covers drawing the entire body, so size the shape to accommodate enough room for the complete drawing. Draw two small vertical lines jutting down from the egg shape to create the head and neck.
- 2). Draw an upside down egg shape toward the bottom of the neck lines (but not directly on the bottom). This gives the bug a 3D appearance to the body. Draw the arms by adding a sideways V shapes to the right and left sides of the body (the bottom of the Vs will point outward). Draw smaller, similar Vs inside the larger Vs to flesh out the arms. The bug will have the appearance of holding its hands behind its back.
- 3). Add two tube shapes underneath the body to create legs. Draw upside down U shapes on the bottom of the tubes, then draw "smile" lines that connect the sides of the U shapes into one solid shape (making the bug's feet). Add the wings of your choice (butterfly, fly-like, etc.) jutting outward from both the right and left sides of the body, just over the shoulders.
- 4). Draw two small ovals, side by side, inside the bug's head to create the eyes. Add a small colored in dot in each eye to make pupils, then draw a side lying oval just underneath the eyes to make the nose. Drawing these details should leave you with half a face left over to make the mouth. Draw a large smile on the face, then, around the middle of the smile, draw a semi-circle underneath, attached to the smile. The bug should now have a complete mouth.
- 5). Look over your drawing an add any desired details (such as eyelashes indicating the bug is a female, etc.) Draw on the antennae by adding some small vertical lines on top of the head and drawing circles at the top tips of the lines. Erase any mistakes you may have made, then trace your bug in black ink to make it stand out on the page or to serve as a border should you (or someone else) wish to color your creation.
- 6). Redraw your animated cute bug on the next sheet of clean paper. For this drawing, add a horizontal line across the top of one of the eyes to make an eyelid. Make the eyelid fairly small. On the next sheet of paper, after drawing you bug once again, make the eyelid slightly bigger, taking up more eye area. On subsequent drawings, continue making the eyelid larger.
- 7). Continue making the drawings and have the eyelid returning to the top of the eye. Once several drawings are completed, pinch the stack together and flip through them rapidly with your thumb, giving the cute bug the animated appearance of winking at the viewer.