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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Number of Pregnant Women on Narcotic Painkillers, Heroin Doubles, Study Finds
U.S. national data shows steady rise, and abuse may pose dangers to mother and baby, experts say
Inducing Labor
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of inducing labor including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Facts About PGD for Gender Selection
PGD or Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnostics is one of the most preferred sex selection processes since it has a high chance of being successful. Couples though should learn first about the advantages and disadvantages it provides before deciding to undergo it.
Maternity Tankini Swimwear
When you are pregnant it's a hard decision to figure out what style maternity swimsuit to buy -Bikini, tankini, or one-piece? In today's maternity swimwear there are numerous options to choose from.
Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant - Use These Tips If You Want to Have a Baby
One of the biggest issues most couples are faced with is the difficulty of getting pregnant. For eager parents, this is a serious challenge. There are a couple of ways how to increase chances of getting pregnant. And the remedies or methods can be simpler than you think.
32 Weeks - 1st Pregnancy
The mom in this pregnancy photo is 32 weeks pregnant with her first baby and it's a girl!
Morning Sickness - Symptoms and Remedies
Morning sickness happens to about 80% of all the pregnant women. You can quickly find out if you have morning sickness by checking if you have the symptoms described in this article. You will also be able to find other useful information about morning sickness in this article such as tips on coping
Tips on How to Gain Weight While Pregnant
If you're actually having trouble gaining weight in pregnancy, you may feel badly about asking for help. Here's a guide to gaining weight if you're on the light side.
Massage Not Effective for Preventing Tearing During Labor
Technique Isn't Harmful, But Shows No Overwhelming Benefit
Conception Calculator Wil Help You Calculating The Best Time To Have A Baby
A Pregnancy book is very similar to a baby book and it is made for the time during pregnancy. Rather than the early years of a baby’s life. This book enables a mother to make all entries relevant to the whole time of the pregnancy. You can make all entries in this book, such as when you found
Useful tips to Get Pregnant After A Miscarriage
Discover how to get pregnant after a miscarriage using natural methods! Read this useful tips and start conceiving again!
Pregnancy Week 21 - How Your Baby is Developing This Week
Wow, pregnancy week 21 already! By now you will have said goodbye to your waistline. Some mothers start to feel a rhythmic motion in their abdomen round about this time, this is your baby hiccuping! This is perfectly normal and lots of mothers enjoy this sensation.
Diet for Lean PCOS Women
According to information from the medical website Medline Plus, PCOS, or polycystic ovary disease, is a condition whereby a woman's ovaries become filled with a number of tiny cysts. If left unchecked, this can affect fertility levels, in addition to increasing one's risk of developing certain form
Cell Phone Use Linked to Male Infertility
Men, beware: Using a hands-free device with a cell phone may affect your fertility if you keep your phone close to your testicles, Cleveland Clinic researchers warn.
Pregnant Nausea - Here Are 8 Ways You Can Make the Urge to Throw Up History!
Constantly feeling like throwing up is something that overshadows the joy and pleasure of being pregnant for most women. This feeling and sensation is commonly referred to as morning sickness, even though it may come as a surprise to you that this description is not really apt.
Cures For Morning Sickness - 5 Tips to Get Your Morning Sickness Under Control
Up to 80% of all pregnant women experience morning sickness. Morning sickness is an unpleasant part of pregnancy but there are ways to help reduce and/or eliminate the effects. Following are 5 Tips to help control morning sickness.
Will sex bring on labor?
For a long time women have been instructed that sex at the end of pregnancy would help them go into labor. New studies say that isn't true.
The Birth Control Patch - A List of 4 Benefits
Although there have been many reported negative side effects in regards to the birth control patch, there are also some benefits. Aside from the obvious benefit of preventing unwanted pregnancy, the other benefits include the following.
Is Your Baby’s Heart Rate Normal for the First Trimester?
The normal fetal heart rate can vary by the point in the pregnancy. When ultrasound detects a slow fetal heart rate, this may mean higher risk of miscarriage, but a rapid fetal heart rate does not increase the odds of miscarriage or other pregnancy complications.
Pregnancy and Fertility - What You Can Say to Somebody Following a Miscarriage or Stillbirth
Sometimes you just don't know what to say to somebody who has experienced miscarriage or stillbirth. But you can comment in a way that is gentle for both of you.