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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
There Are Many Symptoms Involved With Acid Reflux Disease
How does a person develop acid reflux disease? There are several different ways of getting acid reflux. Some of the foods, drinks, and other items consumed by people can cause this condition to be triggered.
Natural Cures For Reflux - Safe, Drug-Free And Much More Effective Than Normal Medication
If you believe that the only way to get relief from heartburn is by taking some form of drug based medication then this article will open you eyes to the fact that drugs will only ever produce temporary relief. The good news is that natural cures for reflux exist which will cure your heartburn, perm
Colorectal Cancer Screening: Overview of Existing Programs
How is colorectal cancer screened in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas? Learn about screening methods used around the world.
Why diet changes are important
Do you suffer from heartburn? Anyone suffering from heartburn needs have a special acid reflux diet. You need to know what foods are safe to eat and those foods that should be avoided. Also, the way you prepare your foods is important. Tips are given and heartburn-friendly ingredients are included i
Where Does Heartburn Come From?
Heartburn is caused by problems with acid in the esophagus. It is a digestive problem characterized by a burning feeling in the chest which may last for several hours. The burning feeling may be accompanied by a bitter, sour or unpleasant taste in the mouth. According to, Nearly 20 per
What Are Lipases?
Lipases are complex proteins, called enzymes, which break down fats into fatty acids. Without lipases, human beings are not able to get nourishment from the foods they eat. The body naturally produces enough lipases to break down foods so that the body's digestive system can easily process the food
Acid Reflux - Symptoms and Treatment
Acid reflux (also known as GERD or heartburn) is a common condition -- Over 60 million Americans experience it at least once a month.This article discusses the definition of, symptoms of and treatments for acid reflux.
What Can I Do to Decrease My Flatulence?
Flatulence is the expulsion of a mixture of gasses created in the digestive tract that are expelled through the rectum. Despite the fact that everyone has gas to some extent, the sound and odor of "passing gas" can be embarrassing and socially unacceptable. There are simple steps that can be taken t
PPI and Clopidogrel: The Latest Data
With several articles being published recently on proton-pump inhibitors and clopidogrel, David A. Johnson, MD, cuts through the noise and offers video commentary on the latest data.
Insurance, Your Doctor, Diagnosing Acid Reflux and Upper Endoscopy
The most popular technique for diagnosing acid reflux is the upper endoscope. Even though this is the most popular, it does not mean that it is necessarily the best for you. Following areanswers to a few questions you may have about the procedure.
Foods to Avoid With Acid Reflux Disease
Acid reflux disease is a condition where acid from your stomach backs up into your esophagus and into your throat. Other symptoms include heart burn and stomach pain. It is important to control stomach acid reflux since it can lead to more serious conditions, such as Barrett's esophagus and cancer.
Top 10 Practice Changers in Gastroenterology: 2014
These articles should be on every gastroenterologist's reading list.
How to Make a Long-Term Career Goal
Career goals give you direction in pursuing opportunities and focusing your energy and talents while at work. These goals help you to plan for both long-term and short-term gains. A thought-out career goal will take in to consideration everything from your position to your salary and the things you
Water: A Fluid Way to Manage Constipation
Always constipated? Drinking plenty of water and other natural fluids can help. WebMD explains the connection between hydration and constipation.
How to Stop Heartburn - Cure Your Heartburn Following These Simple Tips
How to stop heartburn is important to know when you are experiencing burning discomfort.This article will share some great information and tips!
PPIs, Liver Disease, and Mortality in Patients With Cirrhosis
What does the latest research tell us about PPI use and the risk for severe liver disease and mortality in patients with cirrhosis?
Identifying the Precursor of Colorectal Cancer
Are sessile serrated adenomas an indication that a patient may be at potential risk for colorectal cancer? This new study looks at the most effective way to determine if these lesions are malignant or benign.
List of Acid Reflux Foods
Tomatoes can trigger acid reflux.tomatoes image by asmik from Fotolia.comGastroesophageal Reflux (GER), also known as acid reflux or acid regurgitation, is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter spontaneously opens or does not close properly, and the food you've just eaten rises up...
Mindfulness Meditation May Cut IBS Symptoms
People who practice the meditative technique called mindfulness meditation may be able to reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a new study shows.
Managing Barrett's Dysplasia and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Read this new consensus statement to find out the most current and widely-used approaches to diagnosing and managing early-stage esophageal adenocarcinoma in patients with Barrett esophagus.