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Nutrition : Health & Medical
Nomenclature of Enzymes
There are few enzymes whose names have been established by long usage such as ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, and erepsin. Apart from these, enzymes are usually named by adding the suffixes to the main part of the name of the substrate upon which they act. Thus amylases act upon starch (amylum), lac- tase
What You Need to Know About Fats and Oils
Some fat is included in almost all our diets and 20% is not an unusual amount. However it is not the exact amount we consume that matters, it is the type of fat/oil that is the critical factor. This article outlines the types of fat in many of our foodstuffs, how they affect our health and gives a g
Why Eat Fruits and Vegetables?
We've all heard it before - we need to eat our fruits and vegetables. But why are they so essential to our diet? Research has shown that fruits and vegetables play a critical role in the promotion of good health. To find out why, continue reading this article.
The Brain Needs Fish Oil Supplements
Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids can be produced by the body. These long-chain fatty acids are important for many important functions in the body. Cold water fish such as salmon, herring and anchovies are good sources of omega-3, but is not often in our diet.
Can Dry Sauna, Yoga and Meditation Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure?
Dry sauna, yoga and meditation are ways to maintain healthy blood pressure in a natural way.
Eat the Cheese
We all have cravings at one time or another and cravings are something I work with my clients to eliminate. But let's face it, there are times when you need to satisfy a craving with what you're craving. Why am I OK with this? Because if you're craving a 'forbidden' food, th
Protein Sources
A protein is one the most important nutritional sources required as part of a healthy diet, however is has had little attention paid to it until recently. In the last few years more and more research has been done on protein and high-protein diets in general, specifically comparing them to carbohydr
It Bedziedobry Bonus English If Taken Seriously
English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now the most widely used language in the world.[4] It is spoken as a first language by the majority ...
Fruit and Vegetable Detox
A fruit and vegetable detox can be a great way of ridding the body of toxins and waste, but what is the best way to cleanse your body? This article is going to outline how fruits and vegetables can detox your body on a daily basis.
Foods to Eat and Avoid to Get Pregnant Faster
When it comes to conceiving, the old legend €you are what you eat€ holds true. According to Cynthia Stadd, a nutrition specialist at New York city, €What you eat affects everything from your blood to ...
Probiotics: Unwanted Effects
There are many factors as to why we are so interested in probiotics. Probiotic is a unique and innovative strain of natural medicine that has been found these days, and it has proven to be efficient in helping to deal with a number of stomach conditions.
Folic Acid Fruits - How Simple Lifestyle Tweaks Can Change Your Life Fast!
Do you realize how much your diet affects the way you look and feel? Sadly, while some folks do, there are those that never give what they eat a second thought. As long as they get full and it tastes good is about as far as it goes for a lot of people. This is a terrible mistake and could cost some
Seltzer is the Healthiest Carbonated Alternative to Soda
We live in a world that consumes too much soda. Way too much of it, in fact. They say that soda contributes to so many negative medical conditions.
Sticking to a Low Cholesterol Diet Plan
The first line of defense in the battle against high cholesterol and heart disease is diet. For those who are diagnosed with raised cholesterol levels the first thing their doctor will recommend is a low ...
Raising Fit Kids Starts in the Kitchen
Hands-on activities for kids in the kitchen could start a love of cooking and healthy eating that lasts a lifetime.
Natural Protein: People Should Always Prefer Natural Proteins for Their Health
Before making an attempt to rush on a store to buy a supplement just like the all- natural protein, do you know that it very much essential to see what the benefits are and are ...
Wheat Allergies: Signs and Symptoms
We eat so many wheat products each day that it's hard to imagine how anyone with a wheat allergy could manage to live a normal life. But many wheat allergy sufferers do. That's because they took the t
I Bet Your Wondering, Do Weight loss Supplements Really Work
Have you recently noticed that the scale in your bathroom now reads a little more weight then it did about six months ago? If so have you taken note of the many weight loss supplements ...
Health Drinks: Experience Healthy Acai Berry Fruit Drinks
The famous quote 'health is wealth'seems to be a history with the kind of life style most individuals have these days. Deadlines, work pressures and daily life stress have hardly left an individual with anytime to fix a healthy life style. What comes as a respite for individuals with such
Fibromyalgia Treatment
In the veterinary business, fibromyalgia is understood as 'stiff lamb disease' or 'white muscle disease' in lambs, calves and pigs. during this business fibromyalgia cures are potential owing to supplementation with trace minerals, notably selenium ...