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STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction : Health & Medical
Warning Signs for Ovarian Cancer
Early warning signs of ovarian cancer weren't widely publicized until the year 2007. It was once called the silent killer, because by the time patients realized there was a problem, the cancer had normally already spread to other parts of the body.
Prevention for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer results from tumors that can grow in the prostate gland. The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. Tumor cells can then metastasize and spread to other parts of the body, causing additional damage. Prostate cancer in general occurs in men age 50 or older, and is mo
Avoiding Toxins Including Spermatotoxic Medications
What types of factors could potentially contribute to male infertility? This new study takes a close look at some of the reasons.
Gene Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Alternative treatments for prostate cancer, one of the most common cancers in men, are constantly being researched and developed. While a few of these new approaches, including gene therapy, may have a future, as of now, none of them has been proven fully safe or effective. With no proven track reco
The Importance of The STD Clinic To True Love
The world at large is filled with tons of things that provide us pleasure-roller coasters, exotic foods, sunrises and sunsets-but none so much as making love to your significant other! Let's be truthful, there's nothing like it. It is one of those things that make life worth living. For th
Men's Visible Signs of Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis ranks first in sexually transmitted infections in the United States, with more than 7.4 million people contracting the disease annually. Often called "trich," this infection can cause a host of issues for both men and women, yet doctors can easily treat it. While having a...
Prostate Cancer Treatment: Brachytherapy
The prostate is a somewhat large gland in the male reproductive system. One of the problems with the prostate is that cells within it can develop mutations that cause them to grow abnormally quickly. Although surgery is often the most effective treatment for prostate cancer, other methods, such as b
You Can't Cure Genital Herpes - But You Can Live With It
Genital herpes comes from the herpes simplex virus otherwise called HSV. There are two types of this virus. They are simply referred to as type 1 and type 2. The type 1 is associated with the mouth. It consists of cold sores or fever blisters. It is highly contagious and can spread from mouth to mou
Genital Wart Removal for Men and Women
Genital warts can affect men and women alike and is one of the many sexually transmitted diseases. People with active sex life who do not take precautionary measures can become infected during their lifetime. Even the use of condoms cannot guarantee that a person will not be infected by the disease
Feel Like Everyone Is Pregnant But You? You've Got Pregnancy Envy...
Feeling envious of a friend or relative's pregnancy is normal. But don't let jealousy sour your relationship. Here's how to cope.
How to Tell Your Partner About Your Genital Warts
How should you break the news to your partner about having genital warts? Let's explore your options.
New Erection Drug Faster, Safer?
A still experimental erectile dysfunction drug -- avanafil -- promises erections in just 30 minutes or less, according to a study by the drug's manufacturer.
How to Tell Your Partner You Have Genital Herpes
Don't know how to break the news to your partner that you have genital herpes? WebMD offers suggestions for broaching the conversation.
Herpes and Pregnancy - How to Safeguard Your Unborn Baby
Herpes and pregnancy can occur at the same time. In fact 20% to 25% of pregnant women worldwide have genital herpes - some are active and some are asymptomatic. Although the mothers-to-be are not at risk, the unborn baby may be in danger.
Sampling Technique for Isolation of Pharyngeal Gonorrhea
Does pharyngeal swabbing technique improve gonorrhoea detection rates?
More Affordable Way of Testing STDs
One way to get out of the dangers of STD is to detect it right away and have treatment immediately. If one is having doubts about his or her health condition, then a reliable STD testing is recommended to be taken. This is the surest way to check if he or she is infected with STD. STD testing is now
Statins May Cut Prostate Cancer Deaths
There may be a surprising reason for the ongoing decline in U.S. prostate cancer deaths, researchers say: increased use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.
Treating Tuberculosis in People With HIV-Topic Overview
Treatment for people with tuberculosis (TB) who also have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is nearly the same as for people who don't have HIV. But there are some important differences,including: 1 Checking to make sure that the TB medicines are not changing the effectiveness of the medicines