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STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction : Health & Medical
New Do-It-Yourself Home Tests Now Available For STDs
Sexually transmitted diseases are very painful and also irritating to have. Some of them have serious repercussions and can lead to life long terminal illnesses like cancer. However, women cannot control the STD as they have no way of knowing how they are going to get it. It is mainly transmitted fr
The STD Test Methods That You Should Know About
STD test methods are definitely going to help you in generating some fine results on the go. You can indulge in the widespread benefits of STD testing just by getting yourself tested. STDs are deadly infections are the ones which get spread from an individual to individual through sexual contact.
Does Herpes Look Like a Pimple? - Are Genital Herpes Similar to a Pimple?
So does herpes look like a pimple? That's a very good question. Find the answer and more about the signs and symptoms of herpes. Get educated; be prepared in the prevention of this virus.
A Quick Guide to Genital Herpes (STD)
Discover the information needed to evade suffering from the harsh reality of herpes.Prepare yourself with knowledge and avoid this life enduring problem.
How Can Looking at Female Genital Warts Pictures Help?
If one has to know about the female genital warts clearly and completely, then he/she must observe some of the female genital warts pictures closely. Basically, it is a type of disease in which, the media of transformation is sex. That means it spreads due to sexual contact. When you look at any fem
Markers of Endothelial Function in Obese Women With PCOS
Could lifestyle modifications, such as dietary changes and the addition of an exercise routine, possibly reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease in overweight and obese women with PCOS? This new study takes a look.
The U.S. Is far From Free of Sexually Transmitted Disease
For the most part, rates of sexually transmitted disease have been declining around the U.S., according to a report released today.
Types of Birth Control for Women Over 40
Until recently, women over 40 didn't have much variety when it came to methods of birth control: only condoms and tubal ligation (having your tubes tied) were considered safe. But these days, older women have nearly as many options as those half their age. Contraceptive methods and devices that we
Dogs Find Prostate Cancer by Smell
Scientists in Italy say they have trained two dogs to “sniff out” prostate cancer with more than 90% accuracy. WebMD reports.
Is the Female Orgasm Important to Get Pregnant?
Is female orgasm important for getting pregnant? If yes, how might it work? Learn how female orgasm may boost your chances of getting pregnant here.
HIV-2-Topic Overview
HIV-1 is the virus that causes almost all the cases of AIDS worldwide. A related virus,HIV-2,was first isolated in people in West Africa in 1986. Some people who are infected with HIV-2 appear to have an AIDS-like illness,but most do not have symptoms. You should be tested for HIV-2 infection if you
Prostate Cancer
This excellent article summarizes current information about the testing for and treatment of prostate cancer.
HIV - Benefits of Early Diagnosis
HIV virus is mainly of two types namely HIV-1 and HIV-2 which are further divided into sub-categories. Although it a known fact that HIV is a first stage to the deadly disease called AIDS or Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome, what most of us don't know is that there is a time gap between HIV
Pubic Lice - A Very Common STD
Nothing is worse than contracting a sexually transmitted disease and one of the common among these is pubic lice. This problem is just like head lice, but they affect a more vulnerable part of your body and can be extremely traumatic.
Prostate Cancer Pain: A Guide for You and Your Family
You have a right to pain relief. Learn more from WebMD about getting pain relief from your cancer symptoms, about what cancer pain medication can and cannot do, the side effects you may experience from pain medication, and rating your pain.
Ovarian Cancer Warning Signs
Each year, over 15,000 American women die from ovarian cancer, making it the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women. The death rate for ovarian cancer could be greatly reduced if more women were given information on ovarian cancer warning signs by their doctors and if suspected symptoms were q
Natural Remedy For Genital Warts
There are some natural remedies that you can use to treat your genital warts. There are many options available to those people who aren't interested in mainstream medical treatment.
How Maternal Herpes Simplex Can Be Diagnosed
Sexually transmitted infections are those diseases that are spread through sexual contact. They range in severity from easily treated infections, which despite advances in therapy, is life-threatening.
Sex Selection for Non-medical Reasons
What are some of the ethical issues surrounding sex selection for non-medical reasons? This new study takes an in-depth look.
My iPhone Stopped Vibrating
In situations where a loud ring from an incoming call or message can be disruptive and annoying, iPhone's vibrating feature can prove useful but only if it's enabled and working. With a few tweaks of your phone, you can solve vibrating problems in minutes