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STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction : Health & Medical
How to Stop Fighting: Tips for Married Couples
Experts share suggestions for defusing marital disputes.
Men With Diabetes May Need More Aggressive Treatment for ED
A new study reports that diabetic men are more likely to require second- and third-line therapies to achieve successful treatment for ED.
The Late Symptoms of Uterine Cancer
The late symptoms of uterine cancer can be mistaken for other conditions. Uterine cancer usually begins in the endometrium, and therefore it is commonly referred to as endometrial cancer.
New ED Drugs on Horizon
New treatments for erectile dysfunction are on the way. One works fast. One lasts long. And another promises to be the next best thing to a cure.
Unclear HIV Test Should Not Necessarily Bar Blood Donors
Repeat Tests Should Be Conducted to Rule Out Possibility of Infection
Avoiding Toxins Including Spermatotoxic Medications
What types of factors could potentially contribute to male infertility? This new study takes a close look at some of the reasons.
The Sleeping Giant - Herpes
Just like a fairy tale, the herpes virus sleeps. This tale is about a sleeping giant. This giant can wake up at any time. Sad to say once it is in your system, it will remain there.
Disparities in Contraceptive Access and Provision
Do women across the socioeconomic spectrum in the US have equal access to contraception, or do disparities exist?
Cause of Genital Herpes
The cause of genital herpes is that it is a sexually transmitted disease. It can be transmitted from male to female or female to male. It is a common disease in the U.S. today. The cause of genital herpes is a virus known as the herpes simplex 2. When it appears on the human body, it is generally lo
HIV, AIDS, and Cytomegalovirus
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a herpes virus that can severely affect those infected by HIV. Learn more.
Assessing Satisfaction After PDE5 Inhibitor Treatment for ED
Are ED patients and their female partners equally satisfied after treatment with PDE5 inhibitors?
Types and Treatments for Herpes
Herpes or Genital herpes is a major sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). The infection has no specific treatment, but using antivirus it can be reduced to considerable extent.
U.S. AIDS Epidemic Worse Than Known
CDC: U.S. AIDS is 40% worse than we'd thought -- 56,300 new HIV infections a year. Gay/bisexual men and black men and women bear the brunt of the epidemic.
The Serology Test for Syphilis
Blood serum, the clear-liquid component of the blood, is tested to determine whether a person has been exposed to syphilis. Serological tests for syphilis are used for diagnosis, for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment and for screening members of the general population for their possible expo
Termite Barrier Application Method
Barrier applications for termites prevent the pests from entering your home around the perimeter. This type of application is time-consuming for a homeowner and requires special tools; therefore, hiring a professional is a viable option for many. Non-repellent termiticides are typically more profici
Broccoli Blocks Prostate Cancer Cells
Broccoli, cauliflower, kale -- known in the veggie world as cruciferous -- do seem to fight cancer. A new study finds that those vegetables contain chemicals that block the growth of human prostate cancer cells, and could aid in cancer prevention.
How to Prevent Pregnancy Sickness
Morning sickness is one of the tell-tale symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy. It's also possible to experience morning sickness throughout your entire pregnancy. Sometimes a little change in your diet can help in preventing the sickness.
Implications of Blood Type for Ovarian Reserve
Is there an established connection between blood type and ovarian reserve, and what does this mean about a woman's fertility? This study investigates.
Potential Influence of the Microbiome on Infertility and ART
Could altered vaginal microbiota affect the success rate of ART? This new study explores the connection.