Home Remedy for Removing a Red Wine Stain
- 1). Blot the wine with a clean cloth to remove as much of the liquid as possible. Do not scrub or rub the stain because it will become more difficult to remove.
- 2). Moisten another clean cloth with club soda, and dab the soda onto the wine stain. If the stain is on carpet, pour the club soda directly onto the stain, and then blot the stain with a thick towel.
- 3). If the stain remains, treat it with baking soda. Pour baking soda over the stain, and then allow the baking soda to set for an hour to thoroughly absorb the stain.
- 4). Sweep up the baking soda with a vacuum if the stain is on carpet. Brush the baking soda off with a soft brush if the stain is on clothing or other fabric.
- 5). If clothing was stained, wash it in a washing machine on the cold-water setting. Dampen carpet, tablecloths, and other non-washable fabrics with a wet cloth. Allow the fabric to air-dry.