Am I Suffering From Panic Attacks?
Have you experienced sudden attacks of intense anxiety or fear during which you felt as if you were going to die, or lose control? Sufferers of panic disorder often feel fine one minute, and yet the next may feel totally out of in the grips of an attack.
Panic attacks produce very real physical symptoms such as a rapid increase in heartbeat.
The physical symptoms of a panic attack are naturally unpleasant and the accompanying frightening thoughts of terror can make a panic attack a very scary experience.
Panic attack sufferers start to dread the next attack, and quickly enter into a cycle of living in fear of fear.
Do you worry about the physical symptoms, breathlessness, light-headedness, that the attacks of anxiety cause? Have you started to modify your behaviour in order to avoid certain situations that in the past have caused you anxiety? The common thread between the majority of anxiety disorders is the panic attack, and when experienced out of the blue is diagnosed as panic disorder, and can be extremely scary.
The feelings associated with such attacks can bring about great stress, and can be extremely worrying.
Stress occurs when we are subject to too much pressure and can have psychological and physical symptoms.
Emotional symptoms can range from irritability, apathy, depression, constant anxiety, to loss of appetite, lack of concentration, loss of sex drive, increased smoking, drinking and eating.
Physical signs can include tiredness, aches and muscular pains, headaches, skin problems, heart palpitations, nausea, stomach problems and weight gain.
An attack typically lasts for several minutes and is one of the most distressing symptoms that a person can suffer from.
Most who have one attack will have others and should seek advice on alleviating the problem, so that they can live a normal life again.
An attack of this sort is an increase in the body's normal response to stress.
When faced with a situation seen as potentially worrying, the body automatically gears itself up by producing extra adrenalin.
In the U.
K about 900,000 people currently experience panic disorder.
It appears to be on the increase, it is thought by the increased levels of tension placed upon us by today's style of modern day living.
These attacks are a serious health problem in the U.
At least 20% of adult Americans, or about 60 million people, will suffer from attacks at some stage in their lives, twice as often for women than men.
Although the duration of a panic attack can vary greatly, it is one of the most agonising conditions that a patient can experience, its symptoms can closely mimic those of a heart attack.
Attacks seem to come out of the blue, make people feel powerless, as if they are about to go mad.
Although many people suffer from this problem, many also learn to manage and, eventually, with help and advice, to overcome it successfully.
Panic attacks produce very real physical symptoms such as a rapid increase in heartbeat.
The physical symptoms of a panic attack are naturally unpleasant and the accompanying frightening thoughts of terror can make a panic attack a very scary experience.
Panic attack sufferers start to dread the next attack, and quickly enter into a cycle of living in fear of fear.
Do you worry about the physical symptoms, breathlessness, light-headedness, that the attacks of anxiety cause? Have you started to modify your behaviour in order to avoid certain situations that in the past have caused you anxiety? The common thread between the majority of anxiety disorders is the panic attack, and when experienced out of the blue is diagnosed as panic disorder, and can be extremely scary.
The feelings associated with such attacks can bring about great stress, and can be extremely worrying.
Stress occurs when we are subject to too much pressure and can have psychological and physical symptoms.
Emotional symptoms can range from irritability, apathy, depression, constant anxiety, to loss of appetite, lack of concentration, loss of sex drive, increased smoking, drinking and eating.
Physical signs can include tiredness, aches and muscular pains, headaches, skin problems, heart palpitations, nausea, stomach problems and weight gain.
An attack typically lasts for several minutes and is one of the most distressing symptoms that a person can suffer from.
Most who have one attack will have others and should seek advice on alleviating the problem, so that they can live a normal life again.
An attack of this sort is an increase in the body's normal response to stress.
When faced with a situation seen as potentially worrying, the body automatically gears itself up by producing extra adrenalin.
In the U.
K about 900,000 people currently experience panic disorder.
It appears to be on the increase, it is thought by the increased levels of tension placed upon us by today's style of modern day living.
These attacks are a serious health problem in the U.
At least 20% of adult Americans, or about 60 million people, will suffer from attacks at some stage in their lives, twice as often for women than men.
Although the duration of a panic attack can vary greatly, it is one of the most agonising conditions that a patient can experience, its symptoms can closely mimic those of a heart attack.
Attacks seem to come out of the blue, make people feel powerless, as if they are about to go mad.
Although many people suffer from this problem, many also learn to manage and, eventually, with help and advice, to overcome it successfully.