A List of Freshwater Fish in Amite, Louisiana
- Catfish are prevalent in the Tangipahoa River, and are also in many of the lakes and ponds in the region. Catfish are recognized by their whiskers and they can grow to large sizes. Anglers will catch the fish with a variety of baits and also by noodling. Channel catfish are the most common variety, but flathead catfish are also present.
- Bluegill, crappie, sunfish and bream are present in large numbers. The species are among the most popular with anglers because they are aggressive feeders and can be caught in large numbers throughout the year. Bluegill and crappie are in the majority of the freshwater lakes and rivers in the Amite area, and they can be caught using a variety of different techniques.
- Louisiana is well known for the excellent bass populations and although Amite is not the top fishing destination, it does have healthy populations of bass. The fish are primarily found in local lakes and ponds as well as in the Tangipohoa River. Largemouth bass are the most prevalent, but isolated populations of white bass are also in the region.
- Carp are found in freshwater throughout the United States and the Amite City area is no exception. The numerous lakes and widespread marsh lands host a large number of carp. The fish are often targeted by bow fisherman as well as fly and conventional gear anglers. Carp have a rounded sucker mouth and large scales.