Surviving A Marital Affair What You Can Do Immediately After Finding Out
Why did they do it? That is typically the first thought most married partners have when they find out their significant other is carrying on a marital affair. They know the destruction this could wreck on the relationship. Were they really willing to gamble it all away just for some short term cheap thrill?
The answer is yes. The cheating spouse saw the opportunity and went for it. At this juncture the reason why they did it does not matter. What does matter is they have put the future of the marriage in tremendous jeopardy. Whether it was guilt, love or a combination of the two they have decided to stay put. Your spouse confesses what they did was wrong and takes all the blame for their actions.
All this is a good start to healing the relationship but at this point it is about you and what they put you through. Of course whether the marriage continues or not is your call. If you are leaning towards working things out then there are things you can do right now to begin the recovery process.
1. Tears and More Tears
They tell you to be strong even though your heart has been broken and the trust between the two of you shattered. Well guess what? Sometimes it takes strength to cry. It means you acknowledge the hurt that has been done to you and you make no phony pretense to put on a brave face. While it won"t solve the problem or immediately make you feel better, crying can be a great step in helping you to process your emotions as you move forward.
2. Full Force
You are angry and rightfully so. Therefore you let your spouse have it with as much intensity as you can muster. The pain they put you through is now headed back their way. Yell, scream, slam doors, break something if you have to but get it out. If you have to take a rest and start the whole sequence over again so be it. Whatever you are feeling let it fly.
But violence towards your spouse is strictly forbidden. Throwing a plate or vase against the wall is one thing. They can be replaced. Hurling one at your spouse is only going to make things much worse. What they did was wrong but that does not give you the right to physically assault them.
Remember this is about your healing and having the police take you out of the house in handcuffs is only going to destroy the recovery process as well as your life a hundred times worse than what your spouse did.
The answer is yes. The cheating spouse saw the opportunity and went for it. At this juncture the reason why they did it does not matter. What does matter is they have put the future of the marriage in tremendous jeopardy. Whether it was guilt, love or a combination of the two they have decided to stay put. Your spouse confesses what they did was wrong and takes all the blame for their actions.
All this is a good start to healing the relationship but at this point it is about you and what they put you through. Of course whether the marriage continues or not is your call. If you are leaning towards working things out then there are things you can do right now to begin the recovery process.
1. Tears and More Tears
They tell you to be strong even though your heart has been broken and the trust between the two of you shattered. Well guess what? Sometimes it takes strength to cry. It means you acknowledge the hurt that has been done to you and you make no phony pretense to put on a brave face. While it won"t solve the problem or immediately make you feel better, crying can be a great step in helping you to process your emotions as you move forward.
2. Full Force
You are angry and rightfully so. Therefore you let your spouse have it with as much intensity as you can muster. The pain they put you through is now headed back their way. Yell, scream, slam doors, break something if you have to but get it out. If you have to take a rest and start the whole sequence over again so be it. Whatever you are feeling let it fly.
But violence towards your spouse is strictly forbidden. Throwing a plate or vase against the wall is one thing. They can be replaced. Hurling one at your spouse is only going to make things much worse. What they did was wrong but that does not give you the right to physically assault them.
Remember this is about your healing and having the police take you out of the house in handcuffs is only going to destroy the recovery process as well as your life a hundred times worse than what your spouse did.