How to Make Las Vegas Decorations
- 1). Tape black paper or fabric over the walls of your Vegas room. Casinos and other Vegas venues are generally dark inside, so this will help set the right tone.
- 2). Make a casino sign by taping Christmas or rope lights on the wall to spell out the name of your casino. For example, if your name is Tim, you could call your casino "Tim's Las Vegas." Place a second string of lights in a rectangle around the "sign" to add to the illusion.
- 3). Print out Vegas-themed images such as clip art of playing cards, dice or showgirls. Glue the posters to sheets of posterboard and wait for them to dry.
- 4). Trace over the designs using glitter or metallic pens to give them a bolder look and tape them up on the wall. Alternately, paint over them using UV reactive paint or paint pens and shine black lights on them.
- 5). Print out pictures of Vegas or cut them out from a magazine. Arrange them on a card table along with broken or inexpensive playing cards until you create a design you like.
- 6). Paint the back of one of your images with decoupage medium using a sponge paintbrush. Push it onto the table and paint a layer of decoupage medium on the top. Continue to coat images with decoupage medium until all of your pictures and cards are stuck to the table. Allow them to dry overnight, then paint a second layer of decoupage medium over all the images and allow them to dry overnight.