How to Get Skunk Smell Out of a Home
- 1). Open all doors and windows to air out the house immediately. A cross-current of air in the house is one of the quickest ways to get rid of the worst of the smell although it may linger.
- 2). Utilize all built-in ventilator fans (bathrooms, attic, range hood). Place portable fans in various rooms to blow the skunk's odor out of the house.
- 3). Light candles and/or burn incense. While this will only mask the odor and not eliminate it, it can make for a more pleasant environment while the odor dissipates.
- 4). Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet as it absorbs odors. Allow to sit for 30 minutes and then vacuum. Repeat as needed on any areas a sprayed dog may have touched, including upholstered furniture.
- 5). Wash floors and walls with lemon oil or Pine-Sol, or a bleach/water mixture, using one part bleach to three parts water. This is especially important if a sprayed dog has rolled on a kitchen floor as the skunk's oil will linger on the surface and continue to give off odor.
- 6). Boil a small pan of vinegar on the stove and/or place bowls of vinegar around the house to help absorb the odor.
- 7). Spray a mixture of bleach and water (1/4 bleach, 3/4 water) in the air as a deodorizer. Be careful not to spray this directly on or over any furniture, carpet or clothing.
- 8). Destroy any clothing that may have been directly sprayed by the skunk as the oil will more than likely be permanently saturated. If clothing was touched by a sprayed dog, it may be possible to save. Launder skunk-soiled clothing by itself with one can of Coca-cola and regular laundry soap in cold water. Repeat as necessary until odor is removed.
- 9). Simmer a pan of cloves in a little water or orange juice on the stove as an aromatic air freshener.
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Make a pot of strong coffee, bake some cookies or even bread to help cover the smell. - 11
Purchase a deodorizer specifically made for skunk odor. Call your veterinarian for a product referral or research online.