Saturn Fatal Attraction
Saturn has been labeled "The Devil" or "The Bogeyman" at its worst. In its better light Saturn is thought of as a strict parent or rigid taskmaster. Saturn's lessons are not the easiest. Whenever I think of Saturn's influence I visualize a parent pointng a finger at the child saying "I'm doing this for your own good." Adam Smith calls Saturn's influence "defining" and I agree. Whenever we are facing tough situtations, or life challenges are overwhelming you can bet that Saturn's movement is in play.
Smith's book will help you Know The Devil. Saturn transits are generally restrictive in nature, knowing which house and sign Saturn is visiting will help you better navigate your life.
Note to Astrologers: You will devour this book! Adam Smith has written a fabulous guide to Saturn's transits.
Author: Adam Smith
ISBN: 190504786X