Doodlebops Birthday Party Ideas
- Print pictures of Doodlebops characters on card stock and write the party details on the back of each picture. Make the invitations sparkle by painting a thin layer of glue over each picture and sprinkling it with glitter. For an added decoration, attach a sheet of Doodlebops-themed stickers or a small Doodlebops toy to each invitation. Hand-deliver each invitation or mail in padded envelopes. Doodlebops-themed party invitations are also available online and at some party supply stores.
- Decorate the party area in a variety of bright colors, particularly orange, blue and pink. Hang posters of the Doodlebops on the walls and entrance to the party. Other ideas include hanging music notes around the party area. Use Doodlebops toys as balloon centerpieces for the party tables and scatter other Doodlebops-themed toys around the party area. Inflatable instruments such as guitars, keyboards and microphones are available online and you can hang them from the ceiling for decoration.
- For an easy activity, print Doodlebops coloring pages or let the party guests use Doodlebops-themed coloring books to color. The guests can use markers, crayons or finger paint to color the pictures. Make this activity a contest by awarding prizes to the best and most creative pictures. Another idea is to place pictures of Doodlebops characters on the table. Have the children try to freehand their favorite character. Other activities include dancing and singing along to a Doodlebops soundtrack.
- Put a twist on classic party games by turning them into Doodlebops-themed games. For example, play a game of "Pin the Wig on the Doodlebops" instead of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" or "Musical Doodlebops" instead of "Musical Chairs." Another idea is to print several Doodlebops characters and give one to each child. Play music and have the children pass the characters around to one another. When the music stops, call out a certain color of a Doodlebops character, such as blue. Any child holding a blue Doodlebops character wins a small prize.