Tips on How to Get Your Boyfriend Back
Well, the first thing you need to learn about how to get your ex boyfriend back is that you absolutely, positively DO NOT want to act desperate or needy.
These two emotions send out signals that you probably aren't aware of.
No man will respect or want to be with someone that doesn't have the strength or ability to control themselves and be happy on their own.
I understand that achieving these things in your personality are easier said than done, but remember this: even if you are feeling desperate or needy, DON'T show it to him or anyone that knows him.
In addition, acting needy and lacking confidence effectively gives another person power over you.
Like it or not, TRUE love and desire for another is based upon how much we respect that person not on how much we pity that person.
Think about it...
I'm sure you have learned this about yourself in your dealings with others.
So, once again don't set yourself up for another heartbreak from your ex boyfriend by throwing yourself on him in a desperate way.
If you do, he will either use you temporarily or he will simply run away from you faster than he did the first time.
What you need to do is to make yourself unavailable to him for a short period of time as you figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back.
Show him that you value and have pride in yourself and that you're not sitting home waiting for him to call.
Get out and about so he'll see or hear from others that you've got your life together and that you've taken the breakup in stride, but don't go out of your way to make him aware of this, he'll see right through this ploy.
Instead, just go about your business and have fun, trust me - after a little time he'll notice or hear about it.
If he calls you, blow the first one or two phone calls off - you don't want him to think you've been waiting to hear from him.
If he doesn't call - don't worry, you're going to develop a plan to reestablish contact with him in the near future.
If you want to get him back, make sure that you're looking after yourself physically and mentally.
Stay in shape, dress well, smile a lot - after all, you need to give him something to want to come back to and that means not letting yourself go.
Don't sit at home crying over your chocolate and soda! Get up and go to the gym and keep on hitting it! Start eating healthy and be sure you're always looking your best when you're out and about.
Not only will all of this make you look good, but it does wonders for the ole' self-esteem which has no doubt taken a huge blow through all of this.
Remember one final thing: people are attracted to those that have confidence in themselves and genuinely like themselves.
Self-pity IS NOT an attractive quality.
I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but it is the truth.
So, pull your mind out of the dumps and turn you sadness around - no matter how hard it may seem, keep reminding yourself of this.
Now everything outlined works together, so if you're after the best results don't apply each step in isolation.
They all impact on each other and that's another thing you need to understand about learning how to get your ex boyfriend back.
One final suggestion, you need a game plan to help you get your ex boyfriend back: a proven plan that tells you just how to reestablish contact with an ex, what to say, how to say it, what to do if they are seeing someone else, etc.
Here are a few well proven guides that teach you how to get your ex back.
Check them out, they will be instrumental to your success.