How to Get Crayon Out of the Dryer
- 1). Spray the inside of your dryer with WD-40. This will help get rid of any crayon marks that made their way onto your dryer's interior.
- 2). Mix together some warm water and a few drops of dish-washing liquid. Dip a rag into the mixture and use it to clean the WD-40.
- 3). Put a full load of towels or rags into the dryer and run them through a cycle. This will get rid of any remaining WD-40 residue.
- 4). Clean the clothes that got crayon on them so that they'll be fine to go back into your washer and dryer later. Spray each article of clothing with WD-40, turn them over, and then spray the other side. Using dish-washing liquid and a clean rag, scrub off the crayon stains.
- 5). Place the clothes in the washer with color-safe bleach and turn it to its hottest setting. Rinse them with warm water afterward and make sure to look the clothes over for any remaining crayon stains before drying them.