How to Get Rid of Mold on Vinyl Siding
- 1). Spray the sides of the house with a garden hose to remove any excess dirt or debris.
- 2). Mix together dishwashing soap and warm water in a bucket. Pour the mixture into a clean garden sprayer and spray the soap onto a small section of the siding.
- 3). Scrape the vinyl siding where the mold is located using a soft brush made for RV campers. Apply the soapy water before scrubbing and dip the brush into the water as well. The brush will gently remove the mold from the siding without scratching it. Rinse the soap from the siding using a garden hose to prevent it from drying.
- 4). Mix a solution of 30 percent vinegar and 70 percent water in a bug sprayer or other spraying device.
- 5). Spray the section where the mold was with the vinegar and water solution to sterilize the area and kill any remaining mold spores.
- 6). Rinse the vinyl siding again with a hose.