How to Become a Rabbit Supply Distributor
- 1). Research the regulatory compliance requirements for rabbit distributors. High health welfare standards apply to industries in breeding and distributing animals. Learn about state and federal regulations and core animal welfare concerns before starting business operations. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are two federal regulators of food industry products.
- 2). Start the business entity. Register the business with the local county or parish government agency. Check the website for the state agency where the business operation will be registered for requirements for registering as a business entity such as a corporation or limited liability company. Coordinated Legal Technologies provides a free on-line contact listing of Secretary of State agencies in the United States. Secure an Internal Revenue Service issued tax identification number. Open a business bank account.
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Rabbits are in demand during the Easter holiday season.rabbit image by Allyson Ricketts from
Learn about rabbits. There are a number of books and magazines dedicated to understanding these undeniably cute furry creatures. A rabbit distributor must understand such matters as how to feed rabbits, their different breeds and special care and housing requirements. Books to get you started include "Rabbit Handbook", by Karen Parker, D.V.M.; "Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits: Breeds, Care, Facilities", by Bob Bennett; and "Rabbit Handbook: A Family Guide To Buying, Keeping & Breeding," by David Taylor. - 4). Secure a animal-friendly facility for housing rabbits. Developing and operating a rabbit farm can be an enjoyable experience if you truly enjoy being around these friendly animals. The size of the commercial rabbit facility should be adequate for the inventory of rabbits held by the distribution company. When developing a rabbit-farm facility, understanding applicable regulatory health care standards is of great importance.
- 5). Contract with a veterinarian and pet-care specialist with specialized knowledge on rabbits to be on hand to ensure that all your rabbit supplies are handled using the most appropriate standards of care in the industry.
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The pet market creates a selling outlet for rabbit-supply distributors.mother and baby with rabbit image by NiDerLander from
Find buyers for your rabbit supplies. There are a variety of commercial outlets for rabbits. A large retail market demand for rabbits can be found with pet stores. Join an organization such as the Pet Industry Distributors Association to plug into the pet retail market. Also, rabbit breeders are an additional market for supplies. The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) has an annual national show and many events throughout the year that attract a large number of rabbit breeders.