How to Clean & Remove Bathroom Mold
- 1). Mix 1/4 cup bleach with 1/2 gallon of water in a spray bottle. Add a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Shake the bottle to ensure even distribution.
- 2). Spray the corners and bottom of the shower/bathtub. Saturate the areas well, ensuring all moldy areas are covered.
- 3). Allow the cleaning mixture to sit on the area for 15 to 20 minutes. Ventilate the area well to ensure fumes are not allowed to build up in the bathroom.
- 4). Begin scrubbing the corners and floor of the shower/tub. Use the toothbrush in the corners to remove mold from caulking and creases. Scrub the floor of the shower/tub in a circular motion until all evidence of mold is removed.
- 1). Use the same cleaning solution to clean the shower floor. Spray the corners and walls of the upper part of the shower, saturating the area fully. Spray shower doors/curtains as well.
- 2). Leave the cleaning solution on the walls and shower curtain for 15 minutes. Ventilate the room well.
- 3). Begin scrubbing tile caulking and corners first. Then scrub the tiles/shower walls in a circular motion with a nylon scrubber.
- 4). Wipe down the shower curtain/door. If the shower curtain does not come clean, take the curtain down and replace it.
- 5). Rinse the shower area completely with running water, including walls, doors and floor. Dry the area completely with a lint-free towel to prevent additional mold from growing on the walls.
- 1). Keep the shower clean and dry by drying off walls and corners each day after a shower. Drying will prevent moisture from breeding in the shower area.
- 2). Run the bathroom fan. Air circulation is paramount when trying to prevent mold growth in the bathroom. Crack a window, or run the central heating/air conditioning.
- 3). Lighten the area by adding more lights and making the bathroom brighter. Leave the shower doors open so light can get in. Mold hates light.
- 4). Once a week, spray the shower with full strength distilled vinegar. Vinegar will help to keep the shower too acidic to be hospitable to mold spores.