How to Get Rid of Brown Spots in Lawn
- 1). Examine the brown patch for evidence of fungus. Lawn fungus will often show up as white or light brown spores covering the ground.
If fungus is present, treat with a lawn fungicide as directed by the manufacturer. - 2). Check for insects or grubs. While insects are present in all lawns, a high concentration could result in dead spots. Be especially alert for white, gray or brown worms between 3/4 and 1 1/2 inches in length.
Treat any infestations with an appropriate insecticide, bacillus thuringiensis, or beneficial nematodes. - 3). Activate your lawn sprinklers and assure that the brown area receives the same watering coverage as the rest of your lawn.
Repair or redirect any sprinklers as needed. - 4). Examine the brown section for excessive buildup of dried grass, or thatch. Thatch can kill the grass by choking it from sun and moisture.
Remove any thatch with a thatcher rake, available from most home centers. - 5). Remove the dead grass and the soil underneath it to a depth of 6 inches. This will remove any urine, toxins or other chemicals contaminating the dead area.
Fill the hole with fresh topsoil. Organic mulch may be mixed in with the topsoil. - 1). Remove any remaining dead grass.
- 2). Loosen the top 3 inches of soil with a rake. Smooth the surface to match the surrounding landscape contours.
- 3). Scatter grass seed at the rate of 1/10 oz. per square foot.
- 4). Press the seed into the soil with a roller, or by walking gently over the seed.
- 5). Cover with an organic mulch such as straw. Water thoroughly, and do not allow it to dry out until the grass is an inch high.
Fertilize when grass plants are established.