How to Sew a Lip Cord
- 1). Pin the cord around the edge of the fabric on the right side. The cord should be toward the center, and the edge of the lip should be even with the edge of the fabric. Begin in the middle of one side. The ends of the cord should overlap 1 inch, and both should extend just beyond the edge of the fabric. This will insure that the cut ends of the cord will be on the inside.
- 2). Use a zipper foot to baste the cord to the fabric. Use a straight stitch with a long stitch length and sew in the crevasse between the cord and the lip as close to the cord as possible.
- 3). Pin the other side of the fabric in place with the right side of the fabric against the cord.
- 4). Sew along the line of the basting stitches with a straight stitch of standard length. Use a zipper foot so you can sew close to the cord. If you must leave an opening for turning the pillow, leave it on the opposite side from the spot where the ends of the cord overlap.
- 5). Turn the item right side out and remove any visible basting stitches.