Wedding Bouquet Stem Ideas
- Leaving some or all of the woody or green flower stems visible on a bouquet can give a fresh, authentic and pretty but unfussy look to a wedding bouquet. This can be achieved by using floral tape, rubber banding and wire to bind the bouquet up very high under the flowers and allowing the stems to splay or to be bound together snugly. The ends of the stems are trimmed evenly, usually to no more than 12-inches in length. The binding can be camouflaged with a length of green ribbon that blends with the stem or in a complementary color with the wedding dresses or decor.
- For a very modern and crisply traditional look, bind and wrap stems with a wide swath several layers deep of decorative ribbon so that all or nearly all of the stem greenery is covered. Fasten the ends of the ribbon by tucking the rough end under and securing with long, pearl-headed pins in a straight row to resemble elegant buttons.
- Flowers can be set off by large fabric bows that are short and more tailored, or very long, flowing or cascading in effect. This look works with stems that have been left natural, as well as stems that have been tightly bound. You can also add a flowing bow as a finishing element to a wrapped stem bouquet for a lush and polished look.