What are Salt Water Fish That Are Good for Beginners?
- Clownfish are popular with beginnersStriped Clownfish image by Lucid_Exposure from Fotolia.com
Starting a saltwater tank can be intimidating for beginners. The fish are more colorful than freshwater fish, but also considerably more expensive. Learning the subtleties of the saltwater eco-system can take practice. Novice saltwater enthusiasts should choose their first inhabitants with care. - Damsels are popular fish for the beginning saltwater tank. Hardy and able to withstand fluctuating water conditions, damsels are a favorite with novice and experts alike. They can be aggressive, however, so there should be no more than one or two per tank.
- Made popular from the movie "Finding Nemo," clownfish are well-suited for a saltwater novice. They are closely related to damselfish, but are not quite as hardy. Even though they are always shown near anemones, they are quite happy without them.
- Cardinalfish are another species of fish that are forgiving of fluctuating water conditions. They are colorful and friendly and do well in a community tank.
- Gobies and blennies are both hardy fish that are a welcome addition to any tank. Non-aggressive by nature, they often have a lot of personality for such a little fish. They are also are great at keeping the algae under control.
- A saltwater tank would hardly be considered complete without the presence of a yellow tang. Other colors can be fussier about water parameters, but yellow tangs are fairly hardy and easy to find.
- Although they do not give the full experience of a saltwater tank, mollies can be acclimated to saltwater to provide an inexpensive "guinea pig" while you are learning how to keep the pH and salinity stable.