How to Prevent Security Breaches into Your Home
When you think about security breaches, you likely think of Hollywood blockbusters where a security guard leaves a corridor unlocked, or a team of hackers manipulate a stronghold’s security system via remote uplink. The reality is often much more innocuous, especially when it comes to breaking into your home. It usually doesn’t take a security system hack or a lock pick to get into a home illegally.
Instead, most burglars spot targets that require far less effort. An expensive home security system is rendered almost useless if you leave a door unlocked or a window open. One lapse like that is all it takes to open yourself up a home invasion.
As time goes on, it’s easy for complacency to set in and for mistakes to be made. This doesn’t only apply to unlocked doors and windows. If you have a light go out on the outside of your house, it needs to be replaced immediately. Failure to do so leaves a blind spot in your exterior perimeter. Exterior lights out for an extended period of time also send the message to anyone paying attention that you don’t care or don’t pay attention to your home security. Many successful thieves choose their targets over an extended period of time. If they identity a house with lights out, windows unlocked or a garage door frequently open, they are more likely to rob that house than they are a house showing greater diligence.
Leaving lights on at night with the blinds or curtains open is also a red flag.
This allows any outside viewers to see the electronics and valuables in your home that they may want to steal. You also are in greater risk of a peeping Tom incident, which also has the potential of bringing violence or an attempted assault into your home.
Not using the security equipment you have in place is another common problem. You may not want to activate a security system if you’re just running down the street for a quick errand, but you still need to. It takes less than five minutes to get a TV or computer out of your house. Even more frightening, it takes seconds for an intruder to enter the house and hide, awaiting your return. Don’t let the amount of time you expect to be gone determine whether you activate a home security system. Get in the habit of setting it every time you leave the house so it becomes automatic.
A neighborhood watch program is useful in helping you stay on top of your home security needs. If you have lights not working outside of the house or if you leave your garage open, a good neighbor will tell you. The extra eyes and ears also help you keep track of any suspicious people coming into the neighborhood. A good security system also tells you if you have doors or windows open and where they are located.
Regular inspections are also required to help prevent security breaches. Walk outside of your house regularly to check the lights, windows, doors and other areas of entry. Run tests on your home security system, and verify that all your sensors and equipment are still working. Replace or repair anything that isn’t working as soon as you can.
Proper home security is effective when equipment and good personal habits work together in sync to ensure that no obvious security breaches exist into your home. That’s why it is so important to check your equipment regularly and assess your habits to make sure you’re not missing something that potentially puts you in danger. If you’re not sure, talk to friends and family members to see if they notice something you’ve missed thus far. The added effort helps save you money and time in the long run, while also making you more relaxed because you know your bases are covered.