How to Organize Home Container Parties
- 1). Contacts your friends and find a date that suits everyone. You do not want to choose a date where no one can come. Avoid holidays, such as Thanksgiving and long weekends, as people tend to go out of town or have family plans or get-togethers. Choose a regular weekend or week night if possible.
- 2). Find the contact information for the container company you would like to have as your focus of the party. This could be a local company or a well-know company.
- 3). Inform the container company of the date you have decided for the party. Ask if it is possible a representative comes out on that day.
- 4). Send out invitations for the party, including details regarding the time and place of the party. Inform them that a representative will be there and that purchases will be possible, so bring cash, checks or credit card, depending on the company. Let your guests know that there is an RSVP date, so you can plan for the correct number of guests.
- 5). Call to confirm people's attendance, if you have not heard from them by the RSVP date. Make a note of those who are not coming and those who are, so you have a complete set of guests on the RSVP date.
- 6). Clean your house in the area that guests will be for the party. Make sure all looks in order, so guests can feel comfortable and have a good time.
- 7). Prepare some drinks, finger foods and snacks for the party. Since it is not a dinner party, you only have to provide enough snacks and beverages for people to satisfy their thirst or sweet tooth. Consider finger foods, small quiches, fruit and cheeses. While you prepare your food, allow your container consultant to set up in your living room. It is possible he or she will arrive early to set up.
- 8). Invite the guests in as they arrive at your home. Although it is a container party with a representative, you are still the host. Ensure that your guests do not go hungry or thirsty throughout the night. Let your guests purchase container products and enjoy the evening. Depending on the amount of containers purchased during the evening, you may be given free containers or a discount by the representative.