Craft Activities for Teaching Catholic Catechism
- Mosaic Cross
Enforce values of the Catholic faith, such as lovingness, kindness, giving and helpfulness by having children create a mosaic foam cross. First, have them draw the form of a cross on a piece of art foam. Instruct them to use a pair of scissors to cut their cross from the foam. Then have them cut various pieces of multicolored art foam into small tiles to glue atop the cross foam to create a mosaic effect.
An innovative way to encourage children to uphold beliefs of the faith is to allow children to apply one mosaic tile to their cross when you observe them being helpful, kind and generous to others. This encourages them to be good to earn more mosaic tiles until their cross is full. You can even make a game out of it by pronouncing the first child to fill up his cross with mosaic tiles the "saint of the day". Besides instilling religious values, this encourages a disruption-free classroom, which is beneficial for any teacher. - Yarn
Have children create while you talk to them about the saints. Tell children to choose one saint to create a doll replica of, and instruct them that they will have to present their saint to the class and tell about him. Provide each child with a wooden spoon, markers, rubber bands, glue, yarn and scraps of fabric with which to create her doll. Tie the fabric around the stick part of the wooden spoon with a rubber band to represent clothing. Use the markers to paint a face on the spoon and glue yarn atop the top of the spoon to represent hair.
One way to ensure that each saint is presented to the class is to write down the name of each saint on a small scrap of paper, fold the pieces of paper in half and have each student draw a name from a cup. Whatever saint's name a student draws is the one he will have to create and give a presentation on. This way, several students do not create the same saint, and the class has the opportunity to learn about all of them.