How to Clean Dirty Vinyl Records
- 1). Lay a clean, soft rag on a flat work surface. Make sure the rag is cotton or a similar material that will not scratch the record.
- 2). Place the record on the rag, making sure the record is not in contact with the surface beneath.
- 3). Dab a small amount of cleaning fluid or isopropyl alcohol on the record cleaning brush.
- 4). Wipe the record clean, starting at the center and moving in a circular pattern, following the grooves. Do not press hard so that dirt does not become ground into the grooves. Wait for the first side of the record to dry completely.
- 5). Turn the record over and repeat Steps 2 through 4 to clean the other side of the record. If the record is especially dirty, turn over the rag that the record was lying on so that dirt does not come into contact with the clean side.
- 1). Fill a sink or large container with distilled water and dishwashing liquid that does not contain moisturizers. Avoid using tap water, which can leave mineral deposits behind.
- 2). Dip the record part way into the dishwashing liquid solution, taking care not to get the center label wet.
- 3). Turn the record until the entire surface has run through the dishwashing solution.
- 4). Rinse the record with distilled water, avoiding getting the label wet.
- 5). Lay the record on a clean, dry rag or towel to dry.