How You Can Bring Your Man Closer and Make Him Fall in Love
Understanding how men think is a good place to start.
When a man meets a new girl that interests him, he is usually overwhelmed by very, very strong physical desires or lust.
He might mistake these intense feelings as being those of love, but the two things are quite different.
You must remember that you cannot win a man's love by satisfying his lust.
A relationship built on this will not survive.
The key is to satisfy his deeper emotions and allow him the luxury of opening up to you with his most intimate thoughts, ambitions, and fears.
Men are very hesitant to let their feelings show, so this is where you want to concentrate your efforts.
Talk with him; understand those things he reveals to you, and let him know that you support him unconditionally and without judgment.
Once he senses that his secrets are secure with you, he will allow his heart to begin to open up to you which will progress into making him fall in love.
It is also important to understand that men take much longer to advance into deep love than women do.
This might prove to be frustrating for you because you have probably realized that you have already fallen in love with him.
You must give him time to reach that point on his own.
He can't be forced into it, nor can he be convinced to feel that way.
You have a much better chance at winning his heart if you just relax and enjoy the process as he moves closer to feeling and proclaiming his love for you.
Although these two suggestions might seem relatively simple, their importance cannot be stressed enough.
If you want to make a man fall in love, use this advice and everything else will fall into place.
Before long, your man will realize the happiness he feels when you are around, and you will have captured his heart.