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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

Weed Killer for Wild Onions

Wild onions grow from bulbs beneath the ground and have green grasslike shoots above the ground. Many people consider them weeds, because they interfere with the look of a pure grass lawn. They can also poison cattle and give crops an unwanted oniony taste. Unfortunately, wild onions can be difficul

Kids DIY Pagoda Bird Feeder

When you put up a pagoda-style bird feeder, you are providing song birds with food that they may not find otherwise. This is especially true during the winter months. One way to further act in a beneficial manner is to make a bird feeder with your children using recycled materials that may ordinaril

Uses of Lucky Bamboo

You may have seen lucky bamboo, a beautiful, miniature bamboo plant sometimes spiraling in unusual shapes. Although it resembles bamboo, lucky bamboo is not a true bamboo at all--it's in the lily family, Dracaena sanderiana. Lucky bamboo not only grows well, but it has many decorative uses and

How to Grow Tomatoes in a Water Culture

If you live out in the country, you know how pleasing homegrown tomatoes are. But you can still grow tomatoes even if you live in an apartment in the middle of a busy city. There are many ways to cultivate apartment-bred tomatoes; one of the most popular is to create a water culture for the tomatoes

American Soil Types

Clay soil can prevent plants from growing properly.Crackled soil image by Trombax from Fotolia.comSoils are divided into four basic texture types, depending on the the relative amounts of clay, silt and sand particles they contain. Of these three fundamental soil components, clay...

How to Buy a Rain Lily Plant

Zephyr lilies or rain lilies (Zephyranthes spp.) get their common name from the fact they spring up a few days after a rainfall. These plants are sold in bulb form. Purchase and plant rain lilies in the fall or spring for flowers in summer and early fall. The bulbs get injured below 28 degrees Fahre

Where Can Osage Orange Be Grown?

Osage orange trees were used in the Midwest portion of the United States to create wind breaks. The shrubby trees have a multitude of thorns that when planted in a fence row provided natural fencing for cattle.

How to Keep Worms Out of My Chestnuts Trees

Worms in chestnut trees are usually the large or small chestnut weevil. These insects lay eggs inside the chestnuts themselves. The larvae will eat its way out of the chestnuts after they fall from the tree. They then overwinter in the soil, and reemerge to infest the tree in the spring or summer. K

What Time of Year Do I Grow Tomatoes?

Tomato plants need warmth to survive and successfully produce tomatoes, so tomato plants that are to be grown outside must be planted in the summer, while tomato plants grown indoors can be grown any time of year as long as temperatures are manually controlled.

How to Plant a Monkey Tree

The monkey tree (Araucaria araucana), also called the monkey puzzle tree, is a very unusual coniferous tree that is native to Southern Chile and Argentina. It has been described as being bizarre, prehistoric, striking, weird, statuesque, scary, grotesque and beautiful. Monkey trees are dome-shaped

What to Add to Clay Soil to Grow Vegetables

For years, gardeners have complained of plots of land with heavy concentrations of clay soil. The density and poor drainage qualities have led many individuals to simply give up on huge sections of their yards. Indeed, when it comes to growing certain varieties of plants in clay soil, giving up is o

What Makes Flowering Plants Reproduce?

Flowering plants are members of a group of plants called angiosperms. These plants produce separate male and female sexual organs within the flowers. When the flower is fertilized, seeds develop that mature to propagate the plant.

How to Cross-Pollinate Blueberries

Blueberries are relatively compact, hardy and productive fruit bushes. They grow in high bush, low bush and rabbiteye varieties, with a large number of different cultivars. North Carolina State University recommends planting multiple varieties and cultivars to achieve natural cross-pollination and t

Vole Resisting Plants

Voles are a common problem in gardens. Feeding via tunnels, the rodents use powerful teeth designed for gnawing to decimate the roots of many garden crops, leaving behind sunken holes and plants without root systems. Fortunately, some types of plants are known to be vole resistant, and these can be

Peach Trees for the Pacific Northwest

Common varieties of peaches are grown in the states of the Pacific Northwest.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty ImagesPeaches can be grown in most areas of the country, including the states of the Pacific Northwest. They prefer areas with warm pockets, such as Oregon's Willamette Valley....

How to Plant Coneflowers

Coneflower, also called echinacea, is a popular ornamental wildflower grown for its showy, attractive blooms that attract birds and butterflies. Cut coneflowers last up to two weeks in floral arrangements. Coneflowers are a member of the sunflower family native to North America, and were commonly u

White Fungus on Magnolias

Decay fungi grow beneath the bark of trees, rotting them from within.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesMagnolias are ornamental trees, well-known for their large, fragrant flowers and glossy foliage. Unfortunately, the magnolia has its share of pests. Several species of decay-causing...

Perennials for Planting Around Mailboxes

Perennial plants that are easy to care for make an attractive addition to the areas around mailboxes, adding color and visual interest to an otherwise-bland landscape feature. Several types of perennials tolerate car exhaust, high temperatures and the generally harsh growing environment commonly fou

How to Care for Green Indoor House Plants

Indoor plants bring a bit of nature indoors as they provide color and charm to your environment. Growing indoor plants isn't an exact science and can be tricky, as each plant has distinct requirements that must be met in order to keep it looking its best.