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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Care of Passion Flowers
Passion flowers, passion vines, maypops, and granadilla are all names for the exotic passion flower. Most passion flowers are vines, although you can find hybrids that take shrub, and very rarely, tree forms. Hardy in zones 6 through 10, passion flowers take well to container life and can be grown i
Single-Flowered Peony Varieties
Single-flowered peonies have less petals than other peony image by Wendy Hampe from Fotolia.comPeonies are large, showy flowers with multiple petals that eventually reveal a yellow center; blooms are 5 to 6 inches in diameter. According to Peony Nursery, most varieties only...
How Much Water Do Sunflower Plants Need?
Sunflowers make cheerful additions to any flower garden, but watering them can be tricky. Their love of the sun and dry conditions means that they need meticulous watering and well-drained soil for optimal growth.
Instructions on Choosing & Preparing a Container for Floral Arrangement
Floral containers help define the look of a flower arrangement. Simple containers can fade into the background and show off stunning blossoms, while detailed containers can become an integral part of the arrangement. Virtually anything can become a container for silk, dried or fresh flowers, from tr
Fire Ants in Flower Pots
Fire ants tend to invade flower pots especially during times of hot and dry weather. Your first instinct may be to spray with a chemical insecticide, but this could end up killing your flowers or potted plants, not to mention affecting other creatures in the local ecosystem. You have a variety of na
What Do I Till Into the Ground for Flowers?
A healthy and productive bed needs good soil for the best flower growth. Few soils have everything necessary for optimum growth, but the addition of amendments improves even poor soil enough for a healthy bed. Tilling in the right amendments ensures the bed drains well, provides enough moisture and
Flowerbox Plants
Flower boxes or window boxes are a great way for you to grow attractive plants if you live in an apartment or just don't want to spend a lot of time gardening outdoors. By choosing the right variety of plants, you can keep your flower box filled with vibrant color year-round.
Types of Tree Roots You Can Eat
Whether you are planning an adventurous trip requiring wilderness savvy for survival or simply looking for odd trivia material, the knowledge of what tree roots are edible can be life-saving. Even if you do know which tree roots can be eaten, there is still the simple fact that most trees' roots are
How Do I Grow Apricot Trees From Seeds?
Apricots are one of several fruits such as peaches and nectarines that will grow true to the parent plant when produced from seed. Stratifying a seed from the fruit is a key element in forming a successful tree. Seeds should come from the best fruit in order to produce good fruit when fully grown. F
Perennials for Clay Soil That's Wet One Minute & Dry the Next
Clay soil is not the easiest type of soil to garden in, so selecting plants that can tolerate wet soil and drought is your best chance of success. When clay soil is wet, water displaces the oxygen that is normally in the soil. During times of drought, clay soil will dry out, crack, and, in the proce
Plant Leaf Cell Structure
Leaves act as the powerhouses of plants. Within each cell, structures called chloroplasts busily manufacture sugar from sunlight, supplying the plant with energy. Different types of leaf cells have different structures, depending on their function.
A Tree Spider Orchid
Spider tree orchids, also called Brassia orchids, are native to Central America as well as the West Indies and South Florida. In their native habitat, spider tree orchids can be found growing on trees, attaching themselves to the bark. Their spider-like petals of fragrant blossoms include colors of
Diseases to Mock Orange Plants
A mock orange flower.tiny fly 3. image by mdb from Fotolia.comThe mock orange is an ornamental plant grown primarily for its fragrant blossoms. It can be cultivated outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 7. It is a favorite for home gardening, as it easy to grow, drought-tolerant, and...
Soil & Weathering
Weathering is a key component to the creation of soils. It refers to an early stage of the breakdown of rock, accomplished by a suite of mechanical, chemical and biological agents. The fragments that weathering produces are usually acted upon by forces of erosion, such as gravity tumbling rock bits
Red Tropical Plants
The Joseph's Coat is an example of a red-leaved tropical leaves image by Igor Zhorov from Fotolia.comRed-leaved plants stand out among their green companions, both in nature and in the garden. Some tropical plants have completely red foliage, while others are variegated, with...
How to Get Rid of Scales on Plants
If you have ever seen a whitish, patchy growth on a plant, you have probably already seen scale. Scale is an insect that feeds on plants by inserting its mouth into the plants and sucking out the sap. Scale can lead to stunted growth, yellow leaves and dead branches. These insects often are misident
Apple Varieties With Less Sugar
The amount of sugars in an apple depends largely on its type, growing conditions and the amount of time in storage. Generally, those apples best for cooking contain 12 percent sugar compared to the 15 percent sugar in eating apples, according to "The Science of Good Food."
Fungus on Dallis Grass
Dallis grass is commonly found in the Gulf Coast region and is classified as a warm-season grass. This grass is often used as forage for cattle, but it is susceptible to a fungal disease that is dangerous if ingested by livestock.
Black Pests on Ligustrum
Ligustrum, or privets, are shrubs or trees most commonly used as hedges. These plants generally feature dense foliage and produce small, dark berries that attract birds. Although privet is tolerant of varying soil types, it requires regular water and may be bothered by a number of pests. Correctly i