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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
How to Spider Documents
If you are looking to making your documents accessible online, then you want to spider or index them. Web robots or spiders are the most commonly used programs, even by search engines like Google, to traverse the Web indexing content and collecting information. To spider or index your documents will
How to Plant Fraser Fir Trees & Sizes
Fraser fir trees are evergreens that people often use to decorate their homes during the winter holidays. Buy a potted Fraser fir and then plant it in your yard after the holidays are over. Purchase your Fraser firs in the fall, when they're naturally dormant. Being somewhat dormant helps the tree t
Boxwood Size
Boxwood (Buxus) shrubs serve multiple purposes in a landscape, with their function usually linked directly to their size. Species such as littleleaf boxwood (Buxus microphylla) and common boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) come in various cultivars, with each designed to grow to assorted sizes. Depending
Facts About Common House Plants
Decorating your home with common house plants is an effective way to brighten each room and increase oxygen levels. You can find many different plants that are well-suited to a typical, indoor environment and that don't require a lot of care to flourish. Choose plants that compliment the room you in
What Are Rain Pots?
Rain pots, also called rain barrels, capture and store rain water running off of a rooftop. A variety of utilitarian and decorative downspout systems channel the rain water from the roof to the pot or barrel. In drought prone locations, using stored rain water to subsidize lawn and garden water save
Popular Tropical Flowers
Bird-of-ParadiseDesign Pics/Valueline/Getty ImagesTropical flowers remain popular for their wide variety of sizes, colors and shapes that add eye-catching appeal, indoors or in an outside garden. Most tropical flowers grow well outdoors only in the southernmost portions of the United...
How to Care for a Dying Weeping Willow Tree
Weeping willows are tough trees that can survive a variety of problems. According to horticulturalist Ron Smith at the North Dakota State University Extension, they never die suddenly. Instead, they die gradually from fungus or other conditions, while still producing new, salvageable growths. No mat
What Likes to Eat Venus Flytraps?
Venus flytrap is native to only a small area in North Carolina and is the focus of conservation efforts. They are called carnivorous plants because they catch small prey and digest them with special juices. Venus flytraps are not poisonous, so anything could prey upon the plants. House cats will eat
Information on Sierra Oak Trees
The Quercus canbyi oak tree goes by a number of different names, including sierra red oak, Mexican oak and Canby oak. This Mexican native is a hardy shade tree that can tolerate difficult environmental conditions.
How to Make Turnips Grow Good Roots
Turnips are a root vegetable native to Siberia. They've been grown in cultivation there for thousands of years. Like all root vegetables, turnips need loose, fertile soil in which to grow well and develop good roots. The soil should also be moist and not too acidic or the turnip roots won't grow wel
What are Common Flowers for Bird Attraction?
Attracting birds to your yard is an enjoyable task for young and old alike. Colorful flowers catch their eye, offer sources of natural nectar and attract a variety of insects they like to eat. Flowers alone, however, will not entice birds to remain in your yard. To get the most out of a flower garde
Pest Control for an Apple Tree
Apple trees are a functional addition to the home landscape. Protecting the trees and their fruit can be a daunting task. Tree growers many options open to them; choosing the right plan depends on where you they live and the types of insects they are combating. An aggressive plan combines multiple p
The Best Plants for Ponds in Oklahoma
Many aquatic plants grow well in Oklahoma's warm climate.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesPond vegetation is needed in small ponds for a variety of reasons. Microscopic pond plants provide oxygen to the pond's ecosystem through photosynthesis. Larger pond plants serve as habitat...
Fruit Trees for Houston
Houston, Texas sits squarely in zone 9a -- which experiences, at most, cold temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees Fahrenheit -- of the US plant hardiness map and there are many fruit trees that can handle what little cold weather they have and thrive. Fruit trees, while they provide a...
Easy Medicinal Seeds & Plants to Grow in Your Garden
Comfrey is one medicinal plant you can easily grow in your own garden.comfrey plants image by Paula Gent from Fotolia.comSince Hippocrates advised, "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food," humans have grown medicinal plants alongside, or overlapping with, food...
How to Grow Carrots in Mid-Atlantic States
The mid-Atlantic region is well-suited to growing a variety of vegetables, such as carrots, because of the temperate climate. Even so, growing carrots in your garden requires some preparation and understanding of the conditions carrots thrive in. If you plant your carrots at the wrong time in this r
Plants for Tree Frogs
The term "tree frog" is used to identify a frog that spends most of its time in the trees and has specially adapted toes to help it stick to trees. Tree frogs are found all over the world in different climates, but their habitats are all similar. The same plants can be used in most tree frog terrari
How to Pollenate Day Lillies
Daylilies come in a variety of colors, shapes and patterns. Pollinating daylilies will help you store seeds to plant for many years to come. Pollination also allows you to crossbreed and hybridize different daylilies, resulting in new and hardier specimens. Once you have the pollination technique do
The Life Cycle of Tall Fescue Grass
Tall fescue is a grass often used for foraging animal livestock in fall and winter. According to Edward B. Rayburn of West Virginia University, "fesuce is a grass adapted to a wide range of conditions." Fescue appears as a tall grass and may have, "short, slowly spreading rhizomes," reports Craig Ro
Thousands of Red Bugs Are on My Rose Bush
A common rose bush pest, the aphid reproduces asexually to bear live young. One day the rose bush may only have a few insects and the next day it will be covered with thousands of red, green, brown, yellow or black aphids.