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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden

How to Get Seeds From Million Bells

The million bells plant is an annual hybrid that resembles a miniature petunia. Million bells stays small, making it suitable for containers, and it produces petite flowers in a variety of colors. You can get seeds from million bells plants, but because million bells is a hybrid, the only way to get

Homemade Garden Fencing

A garden fence can be a wonderful addition to your landscape, providing an attractive border for a flower garden or a functional barrier for a vegetable garden to protect it from wildlife. Before you begin constructing a fence on your property, research the building and zoning codes for your area an

How to Install Weed Control Fabric

Weed control fabric is most commonly used as a base layer for pathways and beneath paving slabs and graveled areas such as driveways. Weed control fabric alone does not eliminate weeds entirely as the fabric is porous to allow water to pass through. Weeds will eventually break through the fabric sin

How to Grow Crocosmia Lucifer

Derived from Greek, krokos, meaning saffron and osme meaning smell, Crocosmia 'Lucifer' is a highly desired plant in many gardens. Apart from its attractive looks, its leaves resist insects and its flowers attract hummingbirds. The 'Lucifer' flowers are bright red and have a shape similar to day lil

Six Ways to Make a Home Eco-Friendly

Living comfy and cozy in your home doesn't have to mean having a negative impact on the environment. While green living does take some effort, there are a number of ways you can substantially green up your space without seriously impacting your way of life. As you seek to make modifications and impr

How Are Soils & Vegetation Related?

Soil contains the nutrients and water that feed plant roots, which in turn supports the growth of leaves and fruit. Nature creates soil over time from geological material and decomposed vegetation. Soil also provides the physical support to keep vegetation upright.

Siberian Elm As a Fast Growing Hedge

Hardy and fast growing, Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) is sometimes marketed as a quick hedge. There are advantages and disadvantages to every plant, but gardeners should think twice before planting Siberian elm.

How to Grow Celery in Texas Clay Soil

Growing celery in your home garden will be beneficial for you. You can use celery in all kinds of dishes such as baking chicken, soups and salads, or you can simply dip celery into peanut butter for a healthy snack. If you live in Texas, you can grow celery in the Texas clay as long as it is amende

Brown Leaves on a Eucalyptus Tree

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) trees belong to the myrtle plant family and adapt well to a variety of climates. The evergreen plant group also contains large shrubs. The low-maintenance, fast-growing plants have low water requirements. A fungal infection causes browning foliage.

How to Plant Tomatoes in a Hanging Pot

Tomatoes can be grown in containers as long as they receive six to eight hours of sunlight daily and have proper care and maintenance as if it was in a garden bed. The best type of tomatoes to plant in a hanging pot are dwarf tomatoes such as tiny Tim and red Robin, according to the University of I

How to Grow a Bush Cherry

The Chinese Bush cherry, or Prunus tomentosa, is a deciduous shrub that originates from western China. It grows up to 10 feet in height and at least 10 feet wide. The fruit is edible and gardeners grow the Chinese Bush cherry as an ornamental shrub. The Chinese Bush cherry is generally hardy over a

How to Get Rid of Aphids on Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe flowers in winter and early spring and provides greenery year-round, making it prized as an indoor houseplant. Although kalanchoes typically grow indoors, they aren't immune to insect pests. These pests travel indoors through open windows or on new, infested plants brought into the home. A

Fast Growing Attractive Hedges

Hedges can add contrasting textures, colors and heights to your landscaping, not to mention afford a measure of privacy from your neighbor's yard. According to the University of Rhode Island's Landscape Horticulture Program, formal hedges must be shaped into a defined size and silhouette and pruned

What Kind of Flowers Can I Plant Against the House?

Planting flowers against your house can add interest to your yard. Make sure the plants are heat-tolerant as the walls of your home retain warmth. It's recommended that you plant 12 to 18 inches away from the wall to avoid damaging the surface of your home.

How to Find Bird of Paradise Seeds

Birds of paradise are a tropical flowering perennial plant. The colorful blooms grow at an angle to the flower stalks and resemble a bird. Usually grown outdoors in tropical areas, they also do well as indoor houseplants. Propagating birds of paradise from seed requires patience, as it may take as l

When to Cut Back Day Lilies

Daylilies, Hemerocallis, provide good blooms and are hardy perennial bulbs, capable of withstanding winter. For best results, cut back the foliage in late summer to early fall. This is also a good time to divide the bulbs. They come in many colors and are easy to care for. Use them for flowerbeds