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Pets Fish : Pets & Animal
Find the Right Fish Tank Accessory for Your Aquarium
When it comes to finding fish tank accessories there is just about everything you can imagine. Deciding what to put into your fish tank to make it look natural or just fun to look at can take a little bit of planning. You also must remember that there are several items that every fish tank needs.
The Best Themes For Fish Tanks
The best thing about fish tanks is that they give your home a little something extra. They not only act as a habitat for beautiful pet fish but they also add more life and color to your rooms. When it comes to the inside of the fish tank, organization and dcor matter here too. The possibilities are
Aquarium Fish Care - 4 Basic Things Beginners Must Know
While buying the aquarium, make sure to buy a thermometer and also a heater to cater to different type of fishes.Like Goldfishes which can withstand low temperatures at some times.
How to Breed Tomato Clownfish in Captivity
Tomato clownfish are brightly colored and relatively easy to care for, as long as they have the right tankmates. Because tomato clownfish can be aggressive toward other clownfish, it is important to properly select a bonded pair of fish for breeding -- otherwise, the consequences can be deadly. Fort
Cichlid Fish Care
The cichlid fish has a very colorful appearance which makes them one of the most popular fish to own.Their care is not that difficult but they do have requirements that must be adhered to in order for them to be healthy.
Caring For Bettas - Top 3 Frequently Asked Questions
With so many different opinions around on how to care for Bettas, how do you even know what information's correct? A lot of the time, common sense can help. For instance, since Bettas are tropical fish, they need warm water, right? Other times, the answers aren't so easy. Below are 3 of so
How to Set the Keyer Up in HRD
Ham Radio Deluxe is a free suite of programs that enables you to control your ham radio remotely from a Windows computer. With HRD, you can integrate your ham radio setup with your computer to expand the basic capability of the transceivers. To remotely operate your keyer, first set it up in HRD. Th
Preparing Your Koi Pond - Buying a Filter
One of the most vital investments for your Koi pond is a water filtration system. The Koi species is unusually perceptive of the quality of its water, and many fish have been known to lose the vibrancy of their colors if the water is not maintained under strict conditions. The most common pollutant
How To Secure an Aquarium to a Wall
Aquariums can brighten up any room, whether they are fresh water aquariums or salt water aquariums. One of the most important aspects of aquarium setup is securing it so that it does not fall over. There are many ways to secure an aquarium, from traditional stands to wall mounting. Mounting aquarium
Cold-Water Fish Types
"Cold-water" is a term used in the aquarium community to refer to fish that live and thrive at low temperatures, usually below 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20ºC). This differentiates them from warm-water fish, which require a heated tank. Cold-water fish grow more slowly than warm-water fish, and als
Proper Aquarium Temperature Control
It is a known fact that there are necessary accessories to be put in a tropical aquarium. A heater is one of those necessary things that should be given much importance. Tropical aquarium heaters regulate the freshwater aquarium temperature making it appear as a real tropical fish habitat enabling t
Why Do I Need a Sump for My Aquarium?
There are many good reasons for having a sump in your aquarium setup, from improved habitat health to aesthetics to ease of maintenance. A sump is not required for running an aquarium, but most aquarists recommend installation.
Choosing A Saltwater Fish Tank
The decision to purchase a saltwater or marine fish tank for your home or office should not be taken lightly. Marine fish have far greater requirements than freshwater fish. However, once you've decided to purchase a saltwater aquarium you'll be rewarded with a stunning range of tropical a
Advice on Fish Aquarium Accessories and How to Set Up Your Aquarium
Once you have your tank, you should know how many gallons of water it holds, as this determines the amount of gravel you will need to put in the tank. The general opinion is that you should put one pound of gravel to one gallon of water, this will be beneficial for the good bacteria you need that re
Preparing Tropical Fish Aquariums Before Adding Fish
Keeping tropical fish is a great hobby for people of all ages, especially those with kids who don't want to risk injury due to a pet. Keeping tropical fish aquariums requires very little maintenance as they don't have to be bathed, walked or picked up after. Despite the fact they require l
How to Diagnose and Treat Betta Parasites
Bettas are feisty little fish that are full of life and character. Unfortunately they can sometimes become afflicted by betta parasites-little creatures that can make bettas' lives miserable. However, there are many things that can be done about these creatures in order to get your betta health
How to Care for and Maintain an African Cichlid Aquarium
The term African cichlid is understood to refer to cichlids from the Rift Valley in Africa: Lake Malawi, Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika and small nearby lakes. These lakes hold more cichlids than anywhere else in the world. And they are fascinating fish; they display fascinating breeding behavior
How to Raise Bloodworms
Bloodworms are the bright red larvae of the Chironomus midge, a non-biting bug that resembles a mosquito. Bloodworms are a high protein treat for your pet fish, but most aquarium owners recommend buying them frozen rather than trying to raise your own. If you are determined to start cultivating your
How Many Pond Fish Are Too Many?
Adding too many fish can make your pond look awful, and kill some of the fish. Follow these guidelines to have just the right amount of goldfish or koi in your pond.
Basics of Freshwater Aquarium Water Testing
Aquariums contain substances that can be harmful for your fish if not kept in check. Aquarium water testing kits ensure that substances like ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are kept under control. Since there are various types of water testing kits, it can get confusing to choose the right kit.