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Pets Fish : Pets & Animal
Saltwater Aquarium Supplies - Making it Work
When it comes to your pets, you need to make sure that you are using the right kind of Saltwater Aquarium Supplies that will help in making sure that you get exactly what you are looking for. Apart from that, you need to remember that the Saltwater Aquarium Supplies that are on sale today normally h
How to Set Up a Seaclear Aquarium - Your Friendly Guide
How to set up a Seaclear Aquarium is a question which many a fish lover ponders over. Before you get into the technicalities of setting up a Seaclear aquarium, let me congratulate you on your choice of aquarium. Seaclear aquariums are an excellent choice for beginners.
Eels Make Excellent Pets and Are Great Additions to the Aquarium
If you get bored caring with the normal varieties of fish and creatures in the aquarium, you may want to consider keeping an eel in your aquarium. Eels make excellent pets and are great additions to the aquarium. Their care is not as difficult as most people make it out to be. In this article I will
How to Choose the Best Aquarium Filter for your Fish
Its true that before getting a fish, there are lots of thing to do. In maintaining an aquarium, you can actually take care of it without much work at all. Before anything else, you should know how to keep the tank in good condition. Choosing a filter is just as important.
Breeding Discus - How to Prepare the Tank
Assuming you already have a pair of Discus ready to lay eggs, let's take a look at the basics of preparing a tank for them. A bare bottom tank 303 x 243 x 203 (length x width x height), is ideal for breeding Discus. Water level should be at least 18 inches from the bottom of the tank.
Tips For Fish Feeding The Right Way
Fish seem simple enough to keep as pets. They need a clean tank with fresh or salt water, depending on what type of fish you have, oxygen, and fish food. They do not require trips to the veterinarian for shots, do not need to be walked on a leash when they have to use the restroom, and they do not n
Aquarium Accessories - List Of Things You Need To Maintain Your Aquarium
Aquariums need certain accessories as fish need them to survive , as if they were like a heater and a filter. Fish like amphibians need plenty of light and heat so it is essential to provide them both in an aquarium. Make your tank look and function naturally- this is not as complicated or expensive
Choosing Fish For Your Aquarium - Freshwater Fish
You've got your tank and you are all ready to set it up.What kind of fish are you going to put in it?Don't make these common mistakes when choosing your fish.
The Lighting Requirements for Marine Aquariums
The lighting requirements for maintaining coral are far more advanced than in fish-only tanks.coral image by Lucid_Exposure from Fotolia.comSaltwater aquariums are beautiful additions to any home, as they are capable of containing colorful marine life impossible to keep in freshwater...
Start a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium by Planting the Fish Tank Plants Correctly
Starting a tropical freshwater fish aquarium is just great in many ways. It's interesting, rewarding, relaxing and calming even though it demands maintenance which, I might add is part of all the fun. Why do some folks' fish tank plants tend to die off after a month or so though?
Treatment for Swim Bladder Disorder
If your fish is suddenly having difficulty swimming, is swimming upside down or on its side, seems to be unable to dive down, or has a distended abdomen, it may be suffering from swim bladder disorder. The swim bladder is a gas-filled sac located toward the tail end of the fish which gives the fish
Five Animals That Are Threatened by Climate Change in Antarctica
Six species of penguins live in Antarctica.penguin image by Christopher Hall from Fotolia.comAccording to, global warming is five times more profound in Antarctica than any other place in the world. Ozone depletion caused by chlorofluorocarbons causes high-altitude clouds...
Making Your Fish Feel at Home With an Aquarium Background
You might not think to buy it when you're doing the big shop to set up your fish tank, but an aquarium background is well worth the money spent. It will give your fish one solid wall that does not have movement behind it, which makes them feel better, and it will cover all the wires and tubes t
What Happens When Your Goldfish Has Fin Rot?
Some might think that goldfish have a short life span, because they often die and are easily replaced. Goldfish actually have a fairly long life span if they are cared for properly. Like any living creature, goldfish are susceptible to disease. The main cause of death for a goldfish is illness that
Stop Scrubbing Your Fish Tank - Let The Chinese Algae Eater Do It For You
He might not be the best looking fish, but the the Chinese Algae Eater is certainly the hardest working.Learn more about how you can get this fish to do the work for you!
Betta Constipation - How to Care For a Constipated Betta Fish
Betta constipation is very common among betta fish.What are the signs that your little marine friend is suffering from betta constipation? The most obvious sign is a bloated underbelly.
The Triggerfish Family of Fish
The triggerfish family contains a wide variety of very uniquely shaped fish. They are commonly offered in the marine aquarium hobby and are favorites among those that enjoy keeping large and aggressive marine ornamental fish. Here are some of the most popular types in the industry.
How to Set Up Reef Aquariums
Reef aquariums are beautiful, but they are the most challenging tank for aquarists. Reef tanks differ from freshwater or even other saltwater setups, in that you must monitor more than water pH and temperature. Successful reef aquariums also require attention to salinity, calcium levels and alkalini
Freshwater Aquarium Fish - Choose the Right Fish For Your Freshwater Aquarium
There are many variables at play when it comes to owning aquarium freshwater fish. Choices range from the type of tank to purchase, to picking out decorations to fill it with, to the various lighting systems. The toughest decision of all however, is choosing the fish. With so many varieties availabl
Hardy Fish - The Perfect Choice For Novice Aquarists
Taking care of pet fish can be very rewarding and therapeutic. A beautiful, well-kept aquarium evokes tranquility and a sense of peace which can easily soothe frayed nerves. However, as with other pets, fish have specific needs and can only thrive under the right conditions. Different types of fish