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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Make a Proposition 8 Protest Poster (for gays)
The passing of Proposition 8 was a major blow to gay women and men everywhere, who see it as a direct violation of their civil rights. Why should heterosexual couples be the only ones allowed to marry in California? This article will help gay protestors create posters that will get their point acr
The Hidden Secrets of The Universe And The Truth of God
Can God exist in our real life? Is our real life a part of God's world?
Let Us Begin A Wave Of Peace Throughout The Lands!
Let us begin a wave of peace throughout the lands! You are not helpless when it comes to changing the atrocities that take place worldwide. Your voice can add to an energy pattern of goodness and the spreading of compassion.
A Bridge To Somewhere
Clearly, the days of profligate spending are over. But that doesn't mean we won't spend at all in the next few months and years. It's just that we will spend more wisely now. Just like our government is investing in infrastructure as a way to move our economy forward, we should be pla
The level of Moses's intelligence
Understanding the Creator and Moses level of intelligence is one of the through way in decoding the map of Genesis of the Bible. What Moses will see as important by the level of his intelligence will
Where to Purchase Rubber Bracelets
You can buy some types of rubber bracelets at retailers such as party-supply stores and Christian supply shops, and you can buy the famous yellow Livestrong rubber bracelets at Dick's Sporting Goods and some Niketown stores. However, for the widest selection of rubber bracelets, or to order custom r
Psalm 46 "I Am God" (Pharaoh Akhenaten) & Coming Great Tribulation
As nations are toppled and the Beast (AntiChrist) gains more authority (Revelation 13:2) God's ancient people (Israel and Jerusalem) and Christians will face more hardships, restrictions and
In North Korea - The Homework Game
There is a great fear of the Christian Scriptures in totalitarian governments. Children must be carefully taught, even with extreme measures, to follow the Party line.
God Has Two Personalities in the Bible - Here's Why
What would god have us do when we are violated or become a victim of a crime? Does he tell us to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth or does he tell us to turn the other cheek? If God is the same yesterday today and always, and how else can a perfect, loving god be, then why does he chang
Jesus Changes Water Into Wine Crafts
Jesus performed his first miracle when he turned water to wine at a wedding. The event, recorded in the book of John, describes how the wedding hosts ran out of wine. Jesus asked the servants to fill six empty jars with water. When they drew the water out of the jars, it was wine. In your Sunday sch
Living the Easy Yoke of Jesus
We have all wondered what it is about the Sermon on the Mount that makes it so impossible to live. Was Jesus just trying to make things hard for us? Was he setting us an impossible task in loving our enemies, in turning the other cheek, in going the extra mile? There is a simple answer to these ques
Christian Team Building Exercises & Ice Breakers
Christian groups often struggle with unity. This poses a problem, because one of the main tenants of their belief is they are to be like a family, representing together the love of Christ. Team-building exercises and ice breakers help encourage unity, cooperation and understanding. Laughter and shar
An Ancient Prayer to Saint Joseph
This ancient prayer to Saint Joseph, the foster father of Christ, is a powerful novena.
Your Psychic Ability
Tips for Developing Your Psychic Ability are many and you need to practice this on a regular basis. If we just do it when we want we will not be able to train ourselves to ...
How to Make a Baptismal Font
Baptism is the rite of admission into Christianity and also into a particular church tradition. The ritual is usually performed with water, which is splashed gently onto the inductee's temple. This is a deeply spiritual and significant ceremony in a Christian's life. You can make the baptism even mo
How to Celebrate Moving to a New Church Building
Moving to a new church building brings anticipation of a larger space for worship and ministry opportunities. Moving also includes leaving a church location that may have seen the beginning or significant growth of the ministry. Celebrating the move means acknowledging the past and bringing the best
Good news during bad times.
We all are faced with troubled times in our lives. At times things don't go our way, other times nothing seems right. Yes, we all have those bad moods once a while because of some ...
Blair Gorman Numerologist Scam Online
This Blair Gorman numerologist evaluation will tell you if Blair's free numerology report and numerology life path readings are high quality or just a fraud. The truth is once you assume free
Song of Moses Overcomes Beast
How can the Song of Moses overcome the Beast of the biblical book of Revelation? What is the Song of Moses?
Your Religious Rights in a Private School
Wondering what rights you have as a Pagan student in a private school? Federal guidelines may not apply to you. Here's a summary of things to know about religion in private schools.