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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
In this modern world, the human being are not able to understand the basic differences in between Secularism and Spiritualism. Both the term are their own distinguished features to study and comprehen
History of Santa Claus
The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years. These legends have been passed down to generations and generations of children. Over the course of hundreds of years, Saint Nicholas's p
How to Create an Autism Support Group
An autism support group provides a valued service to the community. Many parents of children afflicted with this disorder feel like they are the only ones going through this and don't know where to turn. Also, there are many individuals with autism wishing to seek meaningful relationships, but also
The Message To Everyone
[On stage is a large dry erase board. Ed, during the message, is going to draw two funnels that will work into the message. He is also going to write down the individual decision making styles as he talks about each one. When Ed begins to speak, many people are still making their way into the worshi
Returning to the Blessed Biblical Attainments of the Covenanted Reformation and True Presbyterianism
Some 350 years ago, our faithful Reformed forefathers in Scotland took hold of the covenant of grace in their National Covenant, by this means fulfilling their duty and privilege as Christ's witnessing church in the British Isles. Thus was born the Second, or Covenanted Reformation of religion
Simran Sikh Concept of Meditative Contemplation
Did you know that Simran is a kind of meditative activity that can be done audibly, or inaudibly at anytime of day, and during any kind of activity?
In God We Trust
An article about the author's reaction to a lawsuit by an atheist regarding using the Bible for the Presidential Inauguration. The author reacts with common sense and attempts to ignite the "love of the country" in all readers.
The Story of Chosun, Part 23
Let's talk today about the middle third of the 19th century, as we inch closer to some times that will be recognizable in this abbreviated account of the story of Korea, following Hulbert and Oliver. 1834 sees another untimely death of a Korean king, and a small child forced to reign. The king&
Get relaxed after taking the services of the best Psychic
There are many events and fun along with some spiritual events are also done by the best psychic. People should always select the best expert fro Psychic.
Teaching Children to Pray
Listen to your children pray, and you'll likely get a good glimpse at what's going on in their hearts.
Bellevue Baptist Church-Because Miracles Do Happen
For the Lord has asked his children to cast their burdens on him. There is very little of humanity left amongst the human race. The last thing God would want to see, is his children cry and stay burde
Psalm 76 - The Awesomeness of God
When we think of the most powerful and awesome of things on this planet, we're stunned by tsunamis and other natural disasters, rockets and weaponry, technology, and simply the size of things.Yet, the awesomeness of God makes all of this pale into insignificance... and we hardly even notice it!
Gods WordA Mirror For Reflection
James tells us God’s Word is like a mirror (James 1:22-25). Mirrors allow us to see ourselves and to make changes based upon what we see. Unfortunately, many youth not only have a hard time seeing themselves in Scripture, but they also see themselves in a lot of other mirrors which may distort
Fulfill Your Purpose and Plans by God's Empowerment to Acheive
From our beginning, God implanted a divine sense of purpose and aspiration in our hearts and minds. God by His Spirit instills inner strength, confidence and power . Besides that, He instills in each
The Importance of Worship
The importance of our worship to God is one of the deepest and most practiced beliefs in the history of the Christianity. The entire world, both Christian and secular, expresses itself through music and it ...
We Can Know The Plan Of God For Our Life
I have heard people say so many times that no one knows the mind of God or they would quote this scripture in 1st Corinthians 2:9 which reads eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him; this is where they would stop
How to State Your Sovereign Name
If you have a sovereign name you are indeed royalty. The origin of the word "sovereign" goes back to the 1200s. The Middle English for the word is "soverain" and carries with it the connotation of reigning over someone. Examples of sovereign names are Queen Elizabeth, King George VI and Prince Charl
Why Should We Give A Question To A Love Psychic?
There are several emotional problems in your life, right? Chat online with psychics to discover good solutions and guidance to lead you to the better love path.
The Power and Purpose of the Cross Can Change Lives
Just as our power and purpose can be set to do and make amazing things, so is Jesus' power and purpose. The significance of the Cross in helping us to understand what Jesus did for us is very important.