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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
25 Days of Christmas 2008 - Day 3
Day 3 of the 25 Days of Christmas is all about giving. Countdown to Christmas and remember to give freely with a joyous heart.
Information on Journey Retreats for Catholics
Catholic journey retreats are located in settings removed from urban centers, on sites that provide peaceful surroundings conducive to the participants' reconnection with their spirituality. Participants, while not bound to silence, are expected to preserve the retreat's hushed, serene environment s
End of the World
World Events that are inline with Bible Prophecy. It seems we aren't the only ones predicting that the end times are upon us.
God Wants Your to Have a Beautiful Crown
Today we have been talking about a new look. I have one, but most of us need a new look in a different way. We need a new look in our self-esteem. God wants you ...
Your Horoscope: Equivalent To Reverse Phone Number
The inner traits, character, behavior, qualities and persona of an individual can easily be deciphered by the aid of his Kundi/horoscope, which gives us all important lead about the individual
Reconnect With Judaica Gifts
It's true that the bulk of the holiest season in the Jewish calendar might be winding down, but that doesn't mean the dedication to your faith and observance of tradition needs to come down as ...
Prayer And The Importance Of Unity With Our Nature
When you truly come to ride in tune with your own spiritual being (which is unity with oneself) then you'll know that the spiritual mind can truly give you everything you ever wanted in life, If you make a determined effort to understand how to incorporate this inner supreme power that is alrea
Christian Music Communities and Artists on Google+
With over 300 million active users worldwide on Google+, it may not be ready to go head to head with Facebook, but it's still an active and popular platform that you can find some interesting stuff on.
Spirituality Is Born Within And It Is Not In Religious Dogma
Many think of spirituality as being achieved through religious laws and attendance at church. This is exactly the opposite to what it really is as those who have it know.
The Birth Of God
This was a time of little knowledge, and the man had no spoken language to help him explain that which he saw.Four of the words of the poem were words of science and would not be available to man (even in concept form) for almost two million years, but two words in thought form, the man did have; Wh
Nike I Didn Want Him to Go Away
They should care more about their customers like Apple used to. They've abandoned their principles and enjoyed a short term rise, driven by targeting product specs to demographics, pushing features for the sake of features, ...
The Wedding at Cana - Why Did Jesus REALLY Make the Wine?
If we read from Genesis to Revelation, Scripture begins with a wedding, ends with a wedding, and all through out The Bible the Kingdom of heaven is likened to a wedding; God's desired relationship and covenant with His people Israel in the Old Testament, and The Church included in the New Testa
First Communion Ideas You Can Make
A child's First Communion is an important ritual in several Christian denominations. The First Communion sacrament is of great importance in the Roman Catholic Church, although some Protestant denominations also celebrate the ritual. Most Roman Catholics receive their First Communion at the age of s
How to Build a Miniature Coffin for Halloween
Decorate your front yard for Halloween with miniature coffins that you build yourself. A coffin on the front lawn will have trick-or-treaters wondering what's inside. Create a graveyard full of convincing coffins by personalizing each one with the name of a fictional person. The coffins will appear
The Wounds Of Jesus A sermon on John 20:19-29
It was the evening of the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked because they were afraid of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to th
Tips On How To Go About Church Restoration And Repair
Church restoration and repair means taking into account concerns other than the usual building structure and blueprint.Choosing a professional contractor that has had extensive knowledge with repairing churches is the right way of ensuring your church remains a valuable and magnificent place of wors
What Moral Values Are Associated With Christianity?
Moral values serve as standards of right and wrong for people, guiding their decisions and actions. Moral values also determine what people value and how they express this in their lives. People learn moral values from religions, governments, other people or even from themselves. Christianity is the
Verse of the Day: Your Heart's Desires - Psalm 37:4
Verse of the Day - Day 75: Today's verse is Psalm 37:4. The inspiring thought examines what it means to be given the desires of your heart.
Things a Catholic Priest Uses for Mass
A Catholic priest uses several objects during the course of a mass to celebrate the religion and the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior. Steeped in tradition, each object has a meaning that dates back during the inception and ensuing years of the religion. While factions of Christianity hav
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Easter Eggs
News On No-hassle Candy Crush Saga Cheats Secrets The excitement of online video video games and competing within the online arena by making use of Madden 11 cheats has fired the imagination of both both ...