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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Faith And The Christian Business
This article encourages us not to settle for second best, but to receive God's vision for our businesses and believe for His plans and purposes
How to Comfort Parents When Children Die Young
LDS (Mormons) believe that when a child under age eight dies, the child is without sin, does not need baptism and will inherit the Celestial Kingdom.
"Noah, His Family, His Ark"
Today were going to talk about Noah, his sons, and also the building of the ark. The reason for this article is to show that what many teach today regarding this subject matter is not ...
Outlines For Painless Solutions In Document Management
Recording all findings during an expedition is the most critical part of an archaeologist's job. Shipping receipts, technical specifications, letters, contracts, reports and even e-mails and product photos can all be archived in one central, secure database for quick and easy access to document
The Law of Attraction not working?
If you are among the people who bought into the secret and the law of attraction, you may have learned that it does not appear to be working for you. The trouble is that there ...
Mathematics of the Mishkan
I have never been very good at mathematics. The Mishkan, or, Tabernacle, does trigger a very important mathematical skill. In his new book, "The Mind's Eye,", neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks makes the surprising disclosure ...
Protection Amulets - protection kavach or kawach
A powerul protection amulet for protection against black magic , obstacles all sort of trouble and remove poverty
Stepping into Soul
Stepping into Soul In the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the recent earthquake in Pakistan, I have noticed the presence of much higher spiritual energies in my life and ...
The Price of Ego-False Pride
Ego is the outward expression of ourselves. This expression has an effect on those who see it. It either gives those who see it, a righteous impression or a dishonest impression of ourselves.
Seeking God's Wisdom Via Subconsciousness
We worry a lot, us human beings. We know - or at least Christians should - that we have prayer with which to take our anxieties to God, in order that we would be, in some way, delivered of them. But we may pray and still worry, at least subconsciously - beneath the layers of conscious thinking we ar
Fear Not (1)
One of the most devastating weapons the enemy uses against Christians is the spirit of fear. This weapon is very powerful both in the spiritual as in the physical warfare. Once an enemy succeeds in putting fear in you, then it is only a matter of time before you are defeated.
Kasamba Psychics Network Review
Occasionally, you will really want to seek a chance to chat with live clairvoyants or psychics to answer your difficult-to-explain questions, solve some troubles trying to cling to your life, understand your own inner, and ...
The Parable of the Three Servants
Jesus' parable of the three servants teaches us a great lesson concerning the success that we experience in life. Which of the three servants best describes you?
How To Use Meditation For Religious Growth
Mediation has been around for lots of, if not thousands of years. It's appeared in many various forms, across every kind of traditions and cultures.
Learning How To Fight DepressionDepression Self Help And Coping With Depression
When you are trying to deal with all of the various things that life in general will throw your way, you might find yourself struggling. Learning how to fight depression is an important part of being healthy. While a little bit of feeling blue is normal, when it begins to take over your life you wil
Can Society Live By The Bible Today?
That Holy Book, called the Bible, is the only Book like it. While many know that it is a holy Book, they do not know exactly what the Bible is, or why it was given. Once those two thoughts can be understood, then we will be able to answer the above question satisfactorily.
God's Brilliant End to the Palestinians' Role
The Middle East peace process appears to be going nowhere, while the Palestinians bypass negotiations with Israel to go to the U.N. for a resolution on a Palestinian state. But the real reason for no progress between the Palestinians and Israel is because a treaty between those two parties does not
What is Life Going to Be Like in Heaven?
The concept of heaven and hell is a subject that many of us wonder about especially as we begin to accept the fact of our inevitable mortality. It is quite easy to accept the soul as being eternal but to envision eternal life without our physical bodies can be both intriguing and troubling for some.
Spiritual Gift Test - Discover Your Spiritual Gift
A spiritual gift test is commonly used to assess what particular gift a person may have. It is important first to know what a spiritual gift is. The term spiritual gift is used in the Bible by the apostle Paul.