2013-2014 Hancock County School Grades
Hancock County has 22 schools in its public education system and includes towns such as Greenfield, Fortville and the Mt. Vernon area. The school system seems to be strong. Fifteen schools made the top score - A, which is two more than last year. There were five schools that received Bs, and two received Cs. There were no scores lower than C. While the school system has room for improvement, they seem to be doing pretty well.
If you have kids in this school system, check out the table below to see where your schools stand.
Indianapolis Area Individual School Grades - Hancock County
For more information regarding the reporting process, visit the Indiana Department of Education website.
If you have kids in this school system, check out the table below to see where your schools stand.
Indianapolis Area Individual School Grades - Hancock County
School Name | County | School Points 2014 | School Grade 2014 | School Grade 2013 | School Grade 2012 | School Grade 2011 | School Grade 2010 |
Brandywine Elementary School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | A | A | D | A |
New Palestine Elementary School | Hancock | 3.75 | A | B | A | B | B |
New Palestine High School | Hancock | 3.88 | A | A | A | A | B |
Doe Creek Middle School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | A | A | C | C |
Sugar Creek Elementary School | Hancock | 3.5 | B | A | A | A | A |
Maxwell Intermediate School | Hancock | 3.5 | B | B | C | B | A |
Greenfield Central Junior High School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | A | A | A | |
Eden Elementary School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | A | A | C | C |
J B Stephens Elementary School | Hancock | 3.75 | A | A | A | C | F |
Harris Elementary School | Hancock | 3.25 | B | B | A | A | C |
Weston Elementary School | Hancock | 3.75 | A | A | A | A | A |
Mt Vernon High School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | A | A | C | C |
Eastern Hancock Middle School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | B | A | C | D |
Eastern Hancock High School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | B | A | A | D |
Greenfield Intermediate School | Hancock | 3.25 | B | B | B | D | B |
Greenfield-Central High School | Hancock | 3.6 | A | B | B | C | F |
Mt Comfort Elementary School | Hancock | 3.75 | A | A | B | B | A |
McCordsville Elementary School | Hancock | 2.75 | C | A | B | A | A |
Maxwell Intermediate School | Hancock | 3.5 | B | A | C | B | A |
Mt Vernon Middle School | Hancock | 2.5 | C | C | C | B | A |
Eastern Hancock Elementary School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | A | C | A | A |
Fortville Elementary School | Hancock | 4.0 | A | C | D | A | A |
For more information regarding the reporting process, visit the Indiana Department of Education website.