How to Get Dye Off Tubs
- 1). Plug your tub and fill the tub with hot water until the water completely covers the stain.
- 2). Pour 1 cup of vinegar into the tub. Put on rubber gloves and use your hands to mix the vinegar into the hot water.
- 3). Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the water. Upon adding the baking soda, there should be a fizzing action which will help remove dyes. Baking soda is known for its effectiveness in removing stains on other items as well, such as coffee stains on mugs.
- 4). Let the vinegar and baking soda mixture sit for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, drain the tub and rinse the tub clean with warm water.
- 5). Spray areas of the tub with carpet cleaner or a bleach spray if the stain remains or is faint. Allow the cleaner to sit for 10 minutes. If the stain persists, repeat and use a rag or scrub to rub the stain until it is gone. To protect your hands, keep your rubber gloves on during this process.
- 6). Create a mixture of dishwasher detergent and water as an another alternative, if baking soda and vinegar do not work. To do so, mix 1/4 cup powdered dishwasher detergent with enough water to make a paste. Apply this directly to the stain on the tub and scrub generously. Let the mixture sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and wipe clean.