How to Get an Antique Smell Out of Cabinets
- 1). Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and one part water in a spray bottle. Spray the cabinet interiors and use paper towels to wipe them down. Leave the cabinets open to further air them out. White vinegar disinfects as well as absorbs odors, making it an ideal cleaner since it will kill any mold and mildew in the cabinets. Leave a bowl of vinegar in each cabinet overnight as another odor-absorbing technique.
- 2). Set bowls of baking soda in the cabinets. Baking soda, like vinegar, is another home remedy for quickly absorbing all kinds of odors. Leave the bowls in the cabinets for as little as one night or as long as a few weeks depending on the severity of the odors.
- 3). Combine 1 cup of liquid household bleach and 1 gallon of water in a bucket. Clean the cabinet with the solution and a clean rag or paper towels, then rinse thoroughly with water. Keep the cabinets open to allow them to further air out.