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Nutrition : Health & Medical
Nutrients - Healthy Breakfast - What Our Body Needs (2)
What kind of nutrients do we need? Where do we find them? Is supplementation really necessary? In this article, we look at macro- and micro-nutrients, their sources, and discover widely unknown facts about standards that apply to supplement production and about recommended daily allowances.
Juice Fasting - All The Healing Power Of Fruit Juice Fast
Our bodies are created to thrive on uncooked vegetables. Food preparation foods therefore destroys the actual nutritional prices that we create many lack of diseases therefore.
Having Trouble Losing Weight? Use These Tips!
This article is designed to help you lose weight as easily as possible. This article has the right tips to get you started losing weight. By keeping what you've learned here in mind, you won&
Best Way To Lose Weight - Eating To Lose Weight Fast
Thank goodness for scientific research and technology we are now discovering that some of the old myths and beliefs about dieting are being proven wrong. Many people still struggle with weight problems and are constantly looking for the best way to lose weight.
Portion Controlling Myths
The body is only capable of absorbing so much nutrients or calories in one sitting. You cannot make up by eating less or eating more food in the next meal; the body doesn't work like that.
Building of muscles for weight gain
Do you want to gain some extra fat for making a sports team, want to look dashing, want to get good health or want to remove tag of 'skinny'? This can be done by simple focus on your health and follow
Protein Breakfast Solutions -- 2 Dangerous Culprits that Cause Belly Fat and 2 Steps to Lose It
Ready to beat the dangerous and flabby belly fat that's residing on your tummy? An all natural protein powder diet plan (combining natural protein, carbs and fats in the right ratio) is the most effec
Benefits of Natural Antioxidants for Anti-Aging Treatment
Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, the positive role of antioxidants is to help the body's defense system when there are elements that cause disease attacks the body. Therefore, healt
Raw Foods and Nutrition
Raw vegetables, greens, and fruits are the healthiest things you can put into your body. They provide lasting, long-term, body energy unlike coffee that hits us with a jolt, a buzz, or a wired feeling.
How Protein Helps With Muscle Building
Consuming food rich in protein will help you gain muscle quicker than you would have if you did not consume enough. All muscles need protein for muscle growth and for repair. If you exercise without ...
The Ultimate Nutrition Tip
Why do I eat so much? That's really the question I wanted you all to ask yourself this week. And I have the ultimate nutrition tip for you.
Get All The Nutrition That You Need with Acai Functional Foods
Acai berry has been accepted and endorsed as a super food by many nutritionists. This is the reason that Acai functional foods are gaining popularity all over the world. Super foods are essentially nu
What Are the Benefits of the High Fiber Diet?
The high fiber diet is one of the most important factors in living a healthy lifestyle. It may not sound pretty or cool, but fiber helps regulate your digestive system helping you to avoid problems like gas, constipation and even colon-rectal cancer.
Ten Super Foods
As well as the best diet pills out there, available on the diet pill review websites, there are many super foods, which help the body to work at its optimum best. Here are ten of the top super foods...
Tasty Acai Berry Product Recipes - The Acai of Relief, Earthern & Energy Bowl, Smooth Drink & More
With its original roots from the jungle of Amazonians, this Acai fruit has definitely evolved in so many ways. Earlier times, it was only used as a herbal medicine to heal small wounds of Brazilians but when they finally realized that it is also a sumptuous fruit, Acai Berry recipes has never stop f
An Overview of Types of Vitamins Required by Your Body
This is a short article that discusses the different types of vitamins required by your body. It looks at the vitamins that are fat-soluble and those that are water-soluble. It also lists the 13 essential vitamins required by your body.
Organic Tomatoes, What is the Benefit and How to Get Daily
Every day, you may always enjoy the food with tomato sauce. But try to eat fresh raw tomatoes, and get the amazing benefits
5 Ways to Make Your Vegetarian Dinner Guest Feel at Home
There few more nerve racking events than the big holiday dinner parties. Christmas, Thanksgiving, you want them all to be just perfect, a happy family time where everyone is catered for and everyone is happy. Only this year, your son's new girlfriend is coming and she's a vegetarian.
What Are Some Foods That Are High In Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient. We get it from exposure to the sun and from consuming it in our diets. Many foods are fortified with extra amounts of Vitamin D to ensure we can get the daily recommended amounts.
Healthy Living - Answers to Your Deepest Darkest Health Questions
Over the past year I have watched 3 of my close friends become suddenly diagnosed with a serious illness. They lived completely normal healthy lives before this and were still young, only in their 40's and 50's. This led me to question my own health and take a deeper look at my habits.