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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Neem Tree Advantages
The neem tree provides a wide range of benefits and uses.neem image by fotomagic from Fotolia.comThe neem (scientific name: Azadirachta indica) is an Asian member of the mahogany family of trees. Common to India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, the neem is a fast-growing...
Tropical Birch Trees
Part of the Betulaceae family, birch trees (Betula spp.) are native to temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. No birch species grow in the extreme heat and heavy rainfall of the tropics, but one species, the river birch, does thrive in hot, humid, subtropical areas of the U.S. as do two other m
What Type of Sun for Azaleas?
A species of rhododendron and a member of the Ericaceae family, azaleas encompass a large number of species, hybrids and cultivars. While the azalea is generally hesitant to accept a massive amount of sunshine, some varieties are well adapted to a heavy dose of rays. Balance is the key.
How to Make a Hydrangea Blossom
With proper care and growing conditions, hydrangeas produce an abundance of large, showy flower heads in summer. Gardeners are sometimes bewildered by plants that refuse to bloom despite the care they receive. The two most common causes for poor flowering or no flowering are pruning at the wrong tim
Sundials Made Out of Weird Things
Sundials are one of the oldest ways to measure time. Early time-keeping devices were simple upright sticks stuck in the ground that cast shadows indicating the hour of the day.Ancient Egyptians refined this idea and made the first accurate versions. Sundials made out of weird things come
How to Make Homemade Lotions From Flowers
Making homemade lotion from flowers might be a project that sounds tricky, but actually the process is quite simple. The same technique and basic recipe can be used no matter what flower or flowers you want to use, whether roses, lime flowers, orange blossoms, or lavendar. The biggest upside to usin
How to Grow Blue, Pink or Lavender Hydrangeas
Hydrangea macrophylla, also known as bigleaf or French hydrangea, can have blossoms in shades of blue, pink or lavender, depending on how much aluminum is available in the soil, according to the Clemson Cooperative Extension. That availability depends on the soil pH -- acidic soils will produce blue
How to Replant a Hybrid Lily
Hybrid lilies (Lilium x hybridum) are summer-blooming bulbs. Dark green, lance-shaped leaves cover a 24- to 72-inch-tall stem. Clusters of trumpet-shaped, fragrant blossoms top the stalks all summer long. The flowers provide spots of white, pink, red, orange and yellow colors. Deadhead dying flowers
How to Germinate Cardamom
Spice lovers will want to try their hand at growing cardamom, the zesty, minty spice that gives Middle Eastern and Indian dishes their zing. Native to India, this tropical plant grows well in subtropical regions of the United States. As long as the area does not frost, cardamom should survive. Growi
The Best Plastic Containers for Plants
Many plants are sold in durable, green plastic containers.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty ImagesThough many growers prefer to use pots made of natural materials, there are several advantages to using some types of plastic containers in different circumstances. Many plants are sold in plastic...
How to Plant Berberis
Berberis comes in several different varieties, such as barberry, wintergreen barberry and Japanese barberry. When picking out the right one that will grow in your location, talk to someone at the local garden center, or contact your local extension agent. Most varieties of berberis have scented flow
How to Spray Roses
Roses are generally high-maintenance plants that are susceptible to insect infestation and disease. One method of dealing with an existing problem or of preventing these problems is to spray the roses with an insecticide, fungicide or pesticide. Foliar fertilizers, which you apply to the leaves, als
How to Keep Sweet Potato Slips Fresh Until Planting
Unlike most vegetables that are cultivated, sweet potatoes are produced through transplanting parts of the roots instead of sowing seeds. The transplanted portion of the root is often called a "slip," and this is used to produce sweet potatoes on a farm or in a garden. As the handler, you must meet
Planting a Raised Garden Bed
Raised garden beds are gaining in popularity. They are a perfect solution when there is limited space or you don't want to go to the hassle of rototilling an area for a garden. Plant vegetables, flowers and/or herbs in raised beds for abundant crops.
What Is Causing the Needles on My Pine Tree to Turn Black?
Seeing black needles on your pine tree may worry you, especially if it is a mature tree and an important element in your landscaping. There are a few possible causes of the problem and they can be controlled.
Homemade Growing Boxes for Seeds
Growing seedlings in boxes or flats saves space, since multiple plants grow in a single box instead of in individual pots. The boxes are also simple to move, depending on their size, when it comes time to move them outdoors or transplant the seedlings to the garden. Most homemade seedling boxes are
How to Prune All-In-One Almonds
Almonds are native to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The All-in-One almond is a variety of almond tree that only grows to about 15 feet tall. It produces an abundance of soft-shelled almonds that ripen by late summer and early fall. The tree is only hardy in the U.S. Department of Agricultu
Is Gardenia Seeded or Seedless?
Gardenias are broadleaf evergreens. There are approximately 200 gardenia species. Two of these species are commonly grown in the United States. G. augusta, which is synonymous with G. jasminoides, is native to China, Japan and Taiwan. G. thunbergia is native to southern and eastern Africa. Both of t
White Powder on the Flower Leaves of a Mandevilla Plant
A white powdery substance on the mandevilla plant suggests powdery mildew fungi. Powdery mildew affects all plants, but all the fungi look similar regardless of the plant it affects.