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Performing Arts : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Hitzville IS Motown!
Back in the early days of Berry Gordy, "Hitzville" had been the nickname given to the city of Detroit by Gordy himself before he had even produced a hit. An ex-boxer and factory worker, Gordy was known for being a little more than confident. Said to constantly boast his knack for finding t
Risk Reduction Made Easy
One of the things producers do want to worry about in the booking process is risk. They do not want to ask themselves am I going to get burnt working with this clown whom I have never hired before? There is a way to make producers and agents feel at ease when considering you and that is the power of
Popular Beauty Pageant Talent Routines
Beauty pageants have grown to be an immensely popular aspect of 21st century culture by now. Girls nowadays would love to see themselves as winners and beauty queens in fashion pageants and the only problem with this is not everyone can be one. The judges can only select one.
Kennedy Center: American College Theater Festival (ACTF) Musical Theater Award
A comprehensive listing of local, regional and national theatre and performing arts awards, along with links to information, forms, applications, rules, and more.
The Buzz! -- Vol 1, No. 4
What's the latest talk show news? You can find out by reading this week's issue of 'The Buzz!' This week we talk about The Emmys, The Colbert Report, and The Daily Show's stellar win; Live with Regis and Kelly's Relly Awards; The Today Show's Meredith Vieira's
The Five Secrets to Learning Magic
Do you want to get started in Magic? But if it is a secret, underground profession, how does one actually seek out the techniques, secrets and information needed to actually perform for a living?
How To Get Free Tickets to 'The Dr. Phil Show
Free tickets are available for those who want to be in the audience of the talk show ‘Dr. Phil.’ These steps will help guide you through the process.
American Idol 2010 - Where is the Talent?
American Idol 2010, so far, is looking really disappointing. It begs the question... Is this really a sampling of the brightest and best that America has to offer? It simply can't be.
How to Write a Press Release for the Theatre
It's almost always a challenge to get an audience for a theatrical production, particularly if the group or production is not well known. Getting good media coverage is vital, but that can be a challenge in itself; unless it's a small community, competition for news space is fierce, and most theatr
How to Succeed in Hollywood - Getting Past the Cut
One of the great places to learn lessons about Hollywood is the commentary section of DVDs. It's amazing the insights you can gain from filmmakers talking quite innocently about the process of getting the movie made. Sometimes the things they think they're teaching you about the movie busi
What to Do When You Get Panned: Handling a Negative Review
Don't let a bad review get you down. Look for the positives, learn from the experience, and move on. Someone else will be writing raves before you know it.
How to Apply Ribbons to Pointe Shoes
Once you start taking regular pointe class, you find yourself wearing out your pointe shoes very quickly. Many dancers find it most efficient to buy their shoes in batches of 10 or more and setting up an assembly line process, first cutting all the ribbons and elastics and then sewing them all. Cons
How To Get The Best Online Broadway Tickets
Online Broadway tickets are a great way to see the Broadway show of your choice. If you have always dreamed of seeing a Broadway show, you may want to consider finding these tickets online and this can save you a tremendous amount of time. You will never have to wait in line again when you find the
Theater Surveys - A Quick Check Could Mean Big Ticket Sales
Producing a play can be a high-risk endeavor. Checking out a few theater surveys first can help mitigate that risk.
How Irish Dancing Began
Many nations around the world are proud of their history, no more so than Irish people. Irish people, no matter where they live, love their heritage and where they come from. This is evident where ever you visit anywhere Irish. Be it in the pub or even in the homes. Music and dance are an important