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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Bullying and the School System
I've been reading some of the recent accounts of teens who committed suicide due to being bullied. In many of these accounts the parents said that they went to the school and the administration did nothing. Parents and classmates of the one who suicide due to bullying talked about how teachers
How to Run a Support Group for Obesity
Support groups are a way for people suffering from similar conditions or circumstances to come together for information and the solace of being with understanding individuals. Support groups benefit communities by helping individuals navigate their feelings toward personal issues and also serve as a
Corporate culture, the rising depression ambush!
Depression Treatment: The only treatment for depression is the realization of being in the depressive state. Depression is a state of mind caused by any foreseen or unforeseen factors. Healing cottage
Generally What Are the Symptoms of ADD and ADHD?
Let us just first say, before we start, we are grateful that you made the decision to want to better grasp the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. Given the flood of information that does exist in this day and age, one can be left with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty. Recognising the signs and symptoms t
Anxiety & Nutrition
The anxiety that most individuals suffer from is sometimes caused by foods. Many foods play an important role in the process of relaxation and some foods can increase anxiety when they are consumed too frequently. Changes in diet can serve as a better alternative to anxiety medications and self-medi
Anxiety and Prescription Drugs - How to Start and End Your Day Without Either
In this 21st century, the race of life has become more complicated than that of our fore parents. There seems to be no time to "stop and smell the flowers" anymore, unless we get a whiff of them as we speed down the highway. We should at least stop and ponder over the question - how has an
Reiki Healing - An Introduction
I began to study and practice Reiki several years ago, the reaction at that time I might say was "interesting" as to stay on a positive note. During the following years, and as my study and knowledge progressed, the benefits to myself and close family became very noticeable. Needless to sa
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Topic Overview
Information on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks on the Heart
The heart is a muscle that can handle all sorts of challenges. From exercise to excitement, the heart is built for constant and consistent pumping. Abnormal heart movements due to panic or anxiety can be detrimental to heart health.
Why Am I Always in a Bad Mood? The Real Reason You're Always Feeling Irritated Or in a Bad Mood
Are you always irritated or frustrated? Do you ever ask yourself "why am I always in a bad mood?" If so then today I'll reveal to you the real reason you're always feeling this way and what you can do to feel great every day.
Dealing with Speech Anxiety
One prevalent reason for anxiety is the fear of presenting and public speaking. Lots of individuals often fret that they may struggle to point out matters right or that they might forget what they nee
Coping With a Family Member Who Has Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder specifically refers to the cycling between high and low episodes or poles with psychotic symptoms such as delusion, hallucinations and risk of suicide. This usually can be controlled by medication. However, quite frequently after taking medication, a patient will start to feel much
Feel Anxious and Depressed? Restore Emotional Balance With a Natural Solution
Do you feel anxious and depressed? If so, you may have considered seeking treatment as millions of individuals with depression do every year. In fact, over 20 million adults in the U.S. suffer from so
Qigong Translates PTSD Karma
What is about to be shared is some very powerful stuff! It will help those of us with PTSD release what is tough. When we get to the point of clearing away one layer, another ...
Do I Have a Right to See What Someone Has Accused Me of in Writing in the Workplace?
An allegation of workplace misconduct can mar an otherwise pristine personnel file and make ascending the ranks at work difficult to impossible. It's important to be proactive when facing such an allegation, including emphasizing your innocence and reviewing all pertinent workplace documentation of
Borderline Personality Disorder Test
Borderline Personality Disorder known as BPD is a type of mental illness which is considered to be quite serious. It is characterized by instability in behavior, moods, interpersonal relations and self-image. Family and work life, long term planning and awareness of one's individual identity is
The History of Binge-Eating Disorders
Binge-eating disorder, or BED, is classified as a psychiatric disorder in which the person uncontrollably eats large amounts of food. These episodes, referred to as binging, have the following characteristics: quick pace of eating (in comparison with normal periods of eating), eating during certain
Anxiety Coping Techniques
Anxiety disorder Anxiety, anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder is the one of the most usual mental disorders. It refers to the feelings of internal stress, anxiety, panic, or a feeling of "fear". It differs ...
How to Get Over Your Fear of Driving
A fear of driving can happen to anyone. The thing to remember is that it isn't your fault. If you find yourself suddenly frightened to get in the car and drive the best thing to do is to sit down and try to put things into perspective. You may have been a highly confident driver before and it i
Tips on Bipolar Dirorder
Bipolar disorder is considered a recurrent condition; it is common for those diagnosed to relapse, but this does not mean they cannot still lead full and productive lives. Aside from medical treatment, there are a variety of things you can do to help yourself overcome the mood swings that disrupt yo