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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Inner Peace Meditation Techniques
So what is does it mean to be healthy? To attain a perfect state of health, one has to remain mentally calm, steady, and emotionally stable. The best way to do this is to bring more life force or chi
Ten Health Benefits - One Enjoyable Activity
Reduce stress, relax your mind, lower your blood pressure, improve your mental health, defeat depression, and much more, all by doing one enjoyable task. With time of the essence in this day and age we need to factor in all the benefits that we can gain in limited time frames.
Obtaining a Social Anxiety Diagnosis
Obtaining a social anxiety diagnosis can often be a difficult proposition, due to the fact that there are several main causes for the disorder. Emotional and physical factors can both lie at the heart of Social Anxiety Disorder, as can a combination of the two. For that reason, there are specific st
Causes of Severe Depression
Severe depression has many causes. Factors like biology, substance abuse, genetics, environment and illness can all cause depression. Severe depression can impair functioning and even lead to suicidal thoughts and behavior. Understanding the causes of depression is important in the successful treatm
Law of Attraction: Develop Irresistible Attraction
'The Law of Attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thoughts. Your environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking.' (J
Understanding the Effects of Serotonin Imbalance and How to Overcome It
Serotonin imbalance has been identified as one of the main underlying causes of depression and other emotional disorders. Because the balance of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and hormones and other chemicals is so delicate, even the slightest disruption can cause a host of emotional and physic
5 Great Tips to Get Stuff Done
Marie Forleo interviews Dr. Edward Hallowell, ADHD expert, on how to get stuff done. He offers five great tips on how to get things done.
How Can We Help Children to Sleep?
If your child is having trouble sleeping, there may be several factors at play. He may be eating too much sugar during the day, sleeping irregular hours, or frightened after seeing a television show or movie. There are a few techniques you can try before taking him to a sleep specialist or the famil
End Of Life: Providing Care
As a caregiver, you may need to provide for all aspects of your loved one's comfort. People who are near the end of life have complex needs.
Natural Treatment for Depression
If you suffer from depression, you may be interested in trying natural remedies in addition to or in place of medication. By just making a few lifestyle changes, you can boost your mood and reduce depression.
Grub Up Some Handy Tips For Panic Attacks Now
If you have tried to make your panic attacks go away for a long tie now, and still you do not find any results that could get rid of them for good, then it is high-time you gear towards finding the best tips for panic attacks online. Don't worry because there are a lot of them available in the
Overcoming Obsession: The Baby Boomers' Guide
Obsession is one of the more distressing and destructive disorders. Obsession can destroy relationships and cause the sufferer to become immersed in the persecution of someone they have an all consumi
Teaching Self Esteem Activities
Teaching self esteem is a parent and teacher's responsibility.a hug from mama image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comSelf-esteem is your child's belief about his worth and importance in the world. Building healthy self-esteem is key to helping your child become a successful adult. Parents...
Why is Smoking Bad for Children?
Smoking negatively affects children in terms of cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems and increased infections.
Alzheimer's Disease and Music Therapy
Alzheimer's disease and music therapy can rekindle fantastic memories in even the most severe cases. If you are looking for activities for Alzheimer patients then you should at least try music therapy.
How to Relieve Stress in the Most Natural Way
Let's bring back some ancient wisdom, and learn how to relieve stress in the most natural of ways. I will show you how you can let your life flow in harmony... The simplicity here might surprise you. So, let me start with some wise words of Lao Tzu...
An Introduction to Dreams
What are dreams? And what kind of dreams do you have? For everybody, every night that we shut our eyes and begin to let the mind take over, we have a series of passing thoughts that form a vision. These are our dreams. Most of the times, our dreams don't make too much sense to us.
Tests for Bipolar Disorder – How to Get a Good Result
Online tests for bipolar disorder are highly sought-after, but it's what you do when you have your results that can make or break you life.
Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of bipolar disorder in children and teens including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.