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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Science and Reiki
As a society, we privilege science to prove or disprove, say what is real or not real. By granting this privilege to science, we empower blind obedience to scientific declarations that claim objectivity is good and subjectivity is bad. Orthodox, empirical science may be blind to its own limitations
Social Anxiety And Phobia - A Remnant Of Traumagenic Family Dynamics
A very talented Engineer sought help with a challenging problem that was interfering with his professional life almost daily in the last few months. She had worked for the same firm for seven years and been quite successful in small work projects and because of the talent and skills that she possess
Treating ADHD in Children Gently and Effectively
Treating ADHD in children can be achieved in many ways. In this article, we'll take a look at drugs, as well as natural methods, so that you can pick the best solution for your child.
The Akashic Records: Understanding the Soul and Your Personal Journey in Life
What if all the answers to life's questions were accessible to you? What would you ask? Devoid of dogma, personal opinions or 'book knowledge', the Akashic Records simply and honestly provides the truth about what has been, what is and the potentials for what is to be. The Akashic Rec
Panic Attack Help - Learn How to Stop Panic Attacks Fast
So you have been searching the net for panic attack help and can't seem to find some good information. Well if this is the case then you should read this entire article as I will be sharing with you some key tips that will enable you to stop your anxiety for good.
Joint Contractures and Treatment Options
Muscle impairment is a common aspect of cerebral palsy. Some children with cerebral palsy suffer from joint contractures, which are characterized by shortened muscles and, therefore, reduced movement. As with many conditions associated with cerebral palsy, there are a variety of treatment options a
How to Positively Influence Others
Putting positivity into action at home, school or in the workplace can help make your environment more harmonious. Positively influencing people can demonstrate that you are a good role model. In addition, it showcases leadership skills, which can ultimately help you get ahead at work and school; an
How EFT Can Help You Write More Articles Faster
If you can't write articles, it's not because you don't know how. You have article writing paralysis. Find out how you can easily overcome it using EFT.
Stop Stuttering Today
Stuttering has been a very common speech problem nowadays.Although there is no cure for stuttering there are many wonderful treatments. Today you will learn all about stuttering and how to treat it.
A list of UK, Australia, and worldwide schizophrenia resources
Looking for educational resources, information about local support groups, or ongoing research projects for schizophrenia? Here is a list of good UK, Australian and international resources to get you started.
The Three Best Ways To Talk To Kids About Not Using Drugs
Drug abuse statistics amongst kids have continued to rise causing concern parents, teachers and enforcement. But how do you stop drug abuse? According to Narconon there are three effective ways to do this to prevent the problem before it occurs.
Managing Anxiety: 4 Anxiety Management Techniques You Can Start Using Today
Anxiety is a serious medical condition that, if left untreated, can be a long-term problem. It can affect your mental outlook and your physical health. Fortunately, there are some very simple things that you can ...
Supplement Mix Eases Bipolar Symptoms
Not Yet Commercially Available, but Shows the Approach Could Work
Just What Is 'Rebirthing' Therapy?
Alternative therapies must follow a long and arduous road to get into the mainstream, often for good reason.
Determinants of Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts
What factors might contribute to higher suicide death rates in rural vs. urban communities in Australia?
Cures for Seasonal Affected Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is condition that occurs in some people during the winter months. This condition is characterized by severe depression and fatigue. SAD can be treated successfully by finding the right combination of treatments to meet individual needs.
Do you want to learn how to relieve anxiety?
Of course you do. No one wants to have a mind full of negative thoughts and excessive worries. It's very painful to realize how much sleep you have lost throughout the years due to anxiety. ...
What to Expect From MAGT for Social Anxiety Disorder: Session Eight
This is session eight of a 13-week course about what to expect from MAGT for social anxiety disorder. This week includes conversational willingness exercises.
The First Signs of Autism
With 1 in every 150 children being diagnosed with autism, it is important for parents to learn the first signs of autism in order to recognize problems. The first signs of autism are problems with social interaction, language and behavior.